pbcc-package {pbcc}R Documentation

Package of Percentile-based Control Charts


Create an object of class 'pbcc' to perform statistical quality control based on percentile-based designs (PL) approach. This object may then be used to plot percentile-based Shewhart charts either individual or joint and summary statistics with guaranted in-control performace. Also, it determine the optimal parmeters n (sample size), h (sampling inetrval), k (control chart constant) for average chart, lp and up (lower and upper percentiles of the relative range/std.dev/variance distribution) for Statistcal Design of Percentile-based control charts.

This work has been implemented by the TKP2021-NVA-10 project with the support provided by the Ministry of Culture and Innovation of Hungary from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, financed under the 2021 Thematic Excellence Programme funding scheme.


Aamir Saghir, Zsolt T. Kosztyan*

e-mail: kzst@gtk.uni-pannon.hu


Faraz A, Saniga E, Montgomery D. (2019). Percentile-based control charts design with an application to Shewhart Xbar and S2 control charts. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, 35(1); 116-126.

See Also

pbcc, odpbc, summary.pbcc, plot.pbcc.

[Package pbcc version 0.0.5 Index]