route53recoverycluster {paws}R Documentation

Route53 Recovery Cluster


Welcome to the Routing Control (Recovery Cluster) API Reference Guide for Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller.

With Route 53 ARC, you can use routing control with extreme reliability to recover applications by rerouting traffic across Availability Zones or Amazon Web Services Regions. Routing controls are simple on/off switches hosted on a highly available cluster in Route 53 ARC. A cluster provides a set of five redundant Regional endpoints against which you can run API calls to get or update the state of routing controls. To implement failover, you set one routing control to ON and another one to OFF, to reroute traffic from one Availability Zone or Amazon Web Services Region to another.

Be aware that you must specify a Regional endpoint for a cluster when you work with API cluster operations to get or update routing control states in Route 53 ARC. In addition, you must specify the US West (Oregon) Region for Route 53 ARC API calls. For example, use the parameter ⁠--region us-west-2⁠ with AWS CLI commands. For more information, see Get and update routing control states using the API in the Amazon Route 53 Application Recovery Controller Developer Guide.

This API guide includes information about the API operations for how to get and update routing control states in Route 53 ARC. To work with routing control in Route 53 ARC, you must first create the required components (clusters, control panels, and routing controls) using the recovery cluster configuration API.

For more information about working with routing control in Route 53 ARC, see the following:


  config = list(),
  credentials = list(),
  endpoint = NULL,
  region = NULL



Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region.

  • credentials:

    • creds:

      • access_key_id: AWS access key ID

      • secret_access_key: AWS secret access key

      • session_token: AWS temporary session token

    • profile: The name of a profile to use. If not given, then the default profile is used.

    • anonymous: Set anonymous credentials.

  • endpoint: The complete URL to use for the constructed client.

  • region: The AWS Region used in instantiating the client.

  • close_connection: Immediately close all HTTP connections.

  • timeout: The time in seconds till a timeout exception is thrown when attempting to make a connection. The default is 60 seconds.

  • s3_force_path_style: Set this to true to force the request to use path-style addressing, i.e. ⁠⁠.

  • sts_regional_endpoint: Set sts regional endpoint resolver to regional or legacy


Optional credentials shorthand for the config parameter

  • creds:

    • access_key_id: AWS access key ID

    • secret_access_key: AWS secret access key

    • session_token: AWS temporary session token

  • profile: The name of a profile to use. If not given, then the default profile is used.

  • anonymous: Set anonymous credentials.


Optional shorthand for complete URL to use for the constructed client.


Optional shorthand for AWS Region used in instantiating the client.


A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using syntax like svc$operation(...), where svc is the name you've assigned to the client. The available operations are listed in the Operations section.

Service syntax

svc <- route53recoverycluster(
  config = list(
    credentials = list(
      creds = list(
        access_key_id = "string",
        secret_access_key = "string",
        session_token = "string"
      profile = "string",
      anonymous = "logical"
    endpoint = "string",
    region = "string",
    close_connection = "logical",
    timeout = "numeric",
    s3_force_path_style = "logical",
    sts_regional_endpoint = "string"
  credentials = list(
    creds = list(
      access_key_id = "string",
      secret_access_key = "string",
      session_token = "string"
    profile = "string",
    anonymous = "logical"
  endpoint = "string",
  region = "string"


get_routing_control_state Get the state for a routing control
list_routing_controls List routing control names and Amazon Resource Names (ARNs), as well as the routing control state for each routing control, along with the control panel name and control panel ARN for the routing controls
update_routing_control_state Set the state of the routing control to reroute traffic
update_routing_control_states Set multiple routing control states


## Not run: 
svc <- route53recoverycluster()
  Foo = 123

## End(Not run)

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