drs {paws}R Documentation

Elastic Disaster Recovery Service


AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery Service.


drs(config = list(), credentials = list(), endpoint = NULL, region = NULL)



Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region.

  • credentials:

    • creds:

      • access_key_id: AWS access key ID

      • secret_access_key: AWS secret access key

      • session_token: AWS temporary session token

    • profile: The name of a profile to use. If not given, then the default profile is used.

    • anonymous: Set anonymous credentials.

  • endpoint: The complete URL to use for the constructed client.

  • region: The AWS Region used in instantiating the client.

  • close_connection: Immediately close all HTTP connections.

  • timeout: The time in seconds till a timeout exception is thrown when attempting to make a connection. The default is 60 seconds.

  • s3_force_path_style: Set this to true to force the request to use path-style addressing, i.e. ⁠http://s3.amazonaws.com/BUCKET/KEY⁠.

  • sts_regional_endpoint: Set sts regional endpoint resolver to regional or legacy https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdkref/latest/guide/feature-sts-regionalized-endpoints.html


Optional credentials shorthand for the config parameter

  • creds:

    • access_key_id: AWS access key ID

    • secret_access_key: AWS secret access key

    • session_token: AWS temporary session token

  • profile: The name of a profile to use. If not given, then the default profile is used.

  • anonymous: Set anonymous credentials.


Optional shorthand for complete URL to use for the constructed client.


Optional shorthand for AWS Region used in instantiating the client.


A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using syntax like svc$operation(...), where svc is the name you've assigned to the client. The available operations are listed in the Operations section.

Service syntax

svc <- drs(
  config = list(
    credentials = list(
      creds = list(
        access_key_id = "string",
        secret_access_key = "string",
        session_token = "string"
      profile = "string",
      anonymous = "logical"
    endpoint = "string",
    region = "string",
    close_connection = "logical",
    timeout = "numeric",
    s3_force_path_style = "logical",
    sts_regional_endpoint = "string"
  credentials = list(
    creds = list(
      access_key_id = "string",
      secret_access_key = "string",
      session_token = "string"
    profile = "string",
    anonymous = "logical"
  endpoint = "string",
  region = "string"


associate_source_network_stack Associate a Source Network to an existing CloudFormation Stack and modify launch templates to use this network
create_extended_source_server Create an extended source server in the target Account based on the source server in staging account
create_launch_configuration_template Creates a new Launch Configuration Template
create_replication_configuration_template Creates a new ReplicationConfigurationTemplate
create_source_network Create a new Source Network resource for a provided VPC ID
delete_job Deletes a single Job by ID
delete_launch_action Deletes a resource launch action
delete_launch_configuration_template Deletes a single Launch Configuration Template by ID
delete_recovery_instance Deletes a single Recovery Instance by ID
delete_replication_configuration_template Deletes a single Replication Configuration Template by ID
delete_source_network Delete Source Network resource
delete_source_server Deletes a single Source Server by ID
describe_job_log_items Retrieves a detailed Job log with pagination
describe_jobs Returns a list of Jobs
describe_launch_configuration_templates Lists all Launch Configuration Templates, filtered by Launch Configuration Template IDs
describe_recovery_instances Lists all Recovery Instances or multiple Recovery Instances by ID
describe_recovery_snapshots Lists all Recovery Snapshots for a single Source Server
describe_replication_configuration_templates Lists all ReplicationConfigurationTemplates, filtered by Source Server IDs
describe_source_networks Lists all Source Networks or multiple Source Networks filtered by ID
describe_source_servers Lists all Source Servers or multiple Source Servers filtered by ID
disconnect_recovery_instance Disconnect a Recovery Instance from Elastic Disaster Recovery
disconnect_source_server Disconnects a specific Source Server from Elastic Disaster Recovery
export_source_network_cfn_template Export the Source Network CloudFormation template to an S3 bucket
get_failback_replication_configuration Lists all Failback ReplicationConfigurations, filtered by Recovery Instance ID
get_launch_configuration Gets a LaunchConfiguration, filtered by Source Server IDs
get_replication_configuration Gets a ReplicationConfiguration, filtered by Source Server ID
initialize_service Initialize Elastic Disaster Recovery
list_extensible_source_servers Returns a list of source servers on a staging account that are extensible, which means that: a
list_launch_actions Lists resource launch actions
list_staging_accounts Returns an array of staging accounts for existing extended source servers
list_tags_for_resource List all tags for your Elastic Disaster Recovery resources
put_launch_action Puts a resource launch action
retry_data_replication WARNING: RetryDataReplication is deprecated
reverse_replication Start replication to origin / target region - applies only to protected instances that originated in EC2
start_failback_launch Initiates a Job for launching the machine that is being failed back to from the specified Recovery Instance
start_recovery Launches Recovery Instances for the specified Source Servers
start_replication Starts replication for a stopped Source Server
start_source_network_recovery Deploy VPC for the specified Source Network and modify launch templates to use this network
start_source_network_replication Starts replication for a Source Network
stop_failback Stops the failback process for a specified Recovery Instance
stop_replication Stops replication for a Source Server
stop_source_network_replication Stops replication for a Source Network
tag_resource Adds or overwrites only the specified tags for the specified Elastic Disaster Recovery resource or resources
terminate_recovery_instances Initiates a Job for terminating the EC2 resources associated with the specified Recovery Instances, and then will delete the Recovery Instances from the Elastic Disaster Recovery service
untag_resource Deletes the specified set of tags from the specified set of Elastic Disaster Recovery resources
update_failback_replication_configuration Allows you to update the failback replication configuration of a Recovery Instance by ID
update_launch_configuration Updates a LaunchConfiguration by Source Server ID
update_launch_configuration_template Updates an existing Launch Configuration Template by ID
update_replication_configuration Allows you to update a ReplicationConfiguration by Source Server ID
update_replication_configuration_template Updates a ReplicationConfigurationTemplate by ID


## Not run: 
svc <- drs()
  Foo = 123

## End(Not run)

[Package paws version 0.6.0 Index]