codeartifact {}R Documentation



CodeArtifact is a fully managed artifact repository compatible with language-native package managers and build tools such as npm, Apache Maven, pip, and dotnet. You can use CodeArtifact to share packages with development teams and pull packages. Packages can be pulled from both public and CodeArtifact repositories. You can also create an upstream relationship between a CodeArtifact repository and another repository, which effectively merges their contents from the point of view of a package manager client.

CodeArtifact concepts

CodeArtifact supported API operations


  config = list(),
  credentials = list(),
  endpoint = NULL,
  region = NULL



Optional configuration of credentials, endpoint, and/or region.

  • credentials:

    • creds:

      • access_key_id: AWS access key ID

      • secret_access_key: AWS secret access key

      • session_token: AWS temporary session token

    • profile: The name of a profile to use. If not given, then the default profile is used.

    • anonymous: Set anonymous credentials.

  • endpoint: The complete URL to use for the constructed client.

  • region: The AWS Region used in instantiating the client.

  • close_connection: Immediately close all HTTP connections.

  • timeout: The time in seconds till a timeout exception is thrown when attempting to make a connection. The default is 60 seconds.

  • s3_force_path_style: Set this to true to force the request to use path-style addressing, i.e. ⁠⁠.

  • sts_regional_endpoint: Set sts regional endpoint resolver to regional or legacy


Optional credentials shorthand for the config parameter

  • creds:

    • access_key_id: AWS access key ID

    • secret_access_key: AWS secret access key

    • session_token: AWS temporary session token

  • profile: The name of a profile to use. If not given, then the default profile is used.

  • anonymous: Set anonymous credentials.


Optional shorthand for complete URL to use for the constructed client.


Optional shorthand for AWS Region used in instantiating the client.


A client for the service. You can call the service's operations using syntax like svc$operation(...), where svc is the name you've assigned to the client. The available operations are listed in the Operations section.

Service syntax

svc <- codeartifact(
  config = list(
    credentials = list(
      creds = list(
        access_key_id = "string",
        secret_access_key = "string",
        session_token = "string"
      profile = "string",
      anonymous = "logical"
    endpoint = "string",
    region = "string",
    close_connection = "logical",
    timeout = "numeric",
    s3_force_path_style = "logical",
    sts_regional_endpoint = "string"
  credentials = list(
    creds = list(
      access_key_id = "string",
      secret_access_key = "string",
      session_token = "string"
    profile = "string",
    anonymous = "logical"
  endpoint = "string",
  region = "string"


associate_external_connection Adds an existing external connection to a repository
copy_package_versions Copies package versions from one repository to another repository in the same domain
create_domain Creates a domain
create_package_group Creates a package group
create_repository Creates a repository
delete_domain Deletes a domain
delete_domain_permissions_policy Deletes the resource policy set on a domain
delete_package Deletes a package and all associated package versions
delete_package_group Deletes a package group
delete_package_versions Deletes one or more versions of a package
delete_repository Deletes a repository
delete_repository_permissions_policy Deletes the resource policy that is set on a repository
describe_domain Returns a DomainDescription object that contains information about the requested domain
describe_package Returns a PackageDescription object that contains information about the requested package
describe_package_group Returns a PackageGroupDescription object that contains information about the requested package group
describe_package_version Returns a PackageVersionDescription object that contains information about the requested package version
describe_repository Returns a RepositoryDescription object that contains detailed information about the requested repository
disassociate_external_connection Removes an existing external connection from a repository
dispose_package_versions Deletes the assets in package versions and sets the package versions' status to Disposed
get_associated_package_group Returns the most closely associated package group to the specified package
get_authorization_token Generates a temporary authorization token for accessing repositories in the domain
get_domain_permissions_policy Returns the resource policy attached to the specified domain
get_package_version_asset Returns an asset (or file) that is in a package
get_package_version_readme Gets the readme file or descriptive text for a package version
get_repository_endpoint Returns the endpoint of a repository for a specific package format
get_repository_permissions_policy Returns the resource policy that is set on a repository
list_allowed_repositories_for_group Lists the repositories in the added repositories list of the specified restriction type for a package group
list_associated_packages Returns a list of packages associated with the requested package group
list_domains Returns a list of DomainSummary objects for all domains owned by the Amazon Web Services account that makes this call
list_package_groups Returns a list of package groups in the requested domain
list_packages Returns a list of PackageSummary objects for packages in a repository that match the request parameters
list_package_version_assets Returns a list of AssetSummary objects for assets in a package version
list_package_version_dependencies Returns the direct dependencies for a package version
list_package_versions Returns a list of PackageVersionSummary objects for package versions in a repository that match the request parameters
list_repositories Returns a list of RepositorySummary objects
list_repositories_in_domain Returns a list of RepositorySummary objects
list_sub_package_groups Returns a list of direct children of the specified package group
list_tags_for_resource Gets information about Amazon Web Services tags for a specified Amazon Resource Name (ARN) in CodeArtifact
publish_package_version Creates a new package version containing one or more assets (or files)
put_domain_permissions_policy Sets a resource policy on a domain that specifies permissions to access it
put_package_origin_configuration Sets the package origin configuration for a package
put_repository_permissions_policy Sets the resource policy on a repository that specifies permissions to access it
tag_resource Adds or updates tags for a resource in CodeArtifact
untag_resource Removes tags from a resource in CodeArtifact
update_package_group Updates a package group
update_package_group_origin_configuration Updates the package origin configuration for a package group
update_package_versions_status Updates the status of one or more versions of a package
update_repository Update the properties of a repository


## Not run: 
svc <- codeartifact()
  Foo = 123

## End(Not run)

[Package version 0.6.0 Index]