Paws Low-Level Amazon Web Services API

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Documentation for package ‘paws.common’ version 0.7.2

Help Pages

as.list.struct Create a list from an struct object
config Set service parameters
credentials Set service parameters
creds Set service parameters
get_config Get the service configuration from the service object.
is_empty Check whether an object is empty
is_empty_xml Check whether an object is empty for xml builds
list_paginators List methods that can be paginated from a paws client.
locate_credentials Locate AWS credentials
new_handlers Return request handlers for a service
new_operation Return an API operation object
new_request Return an API request object
new_service Return an AWS API service object
paginate Paginate over an operation.
paginate_lapply Paginate over an operation.
paginate_sapply Paginate over an operation.
paws_config_log paws logging system
paws_reset_cache Clear down paws cache environments
populate Populate a list with data from another list
send_request Send a request and handle the response
set_config Add configuration settings to a service object.
set_service_parameter Set service parameters
tags Get, set, and delete object tags
tag_add Get, set, and delete object tags
tag_del Get, set, and delete object tags
tag_get Get, set, and delete object tags
tag_get_all Get, set, and delete object tags
tag_has Get, set, and delete object tags
type Get, set, and delete object tags