simulate_spec {pavo}R Documentation

Simulate a spectrum


Simulate a naturalistic reflectance, radiance, irradiance, or transmission spectrum. Curves may have sigmoidal (s-shaped) and/or Gaussian (bell-shaped) features. Multiple Gaussian and sigmoidal curves can be combined in a single spectrum, to simulate more complex spectral functions.


  wl_inflect = NULL,
  wl_peak = NULL,
  width_sig = 20,
  width_gauss = 70,
  skew_gauss = 0,
  xlim = c(300, 700),
  ylim = c(0, 100)



A numeric vector specifying the wavelength location (in nm) for one or more inflection point(s) for a 'sigmoid' shaped curve, if desired.


A numeric vector specifying the wavelength location (in nm) for one or more inflection point(s) for a 'Gaussian' (or 'bell') shaped curve, if desired.


A numeric value or vector (if multiple wl_inflect values are specified) specifying the steepness of the change, for any sigmoidal curve(s). Required when wl_peak is specified. Defaults to 20 nm.


A numeric value or vector specifying the the full-width at half-maximum of any Gaussian curve(s). Required when wl_peak is specified. Defaults to 70 nm.


Skewness parameter for controlling the direction and magnitude of skew, when simulating for Gaussian curves (ignored when simulating only sigmoidal curves). Curves will have no skew when skew_gauss = 0 (default), right skew when skew_gauss > 0, and left skew when skew_gauss < 0. The parameter corresponds to 'alpha' in the the skew-normal distribution (Azzalini 1985).


A vector specifying the wavelength range of the simulated spectra. Defaults to 300-700nm (c(300, 700)).


A vector specifying the minimum and maximum reflectance values of the resulting curve. Defaults to 0 - 100 % (c(0, 100)). Note: sigmoidal curves, by default, move from low to high reflectance. But if high-to-low sigmoidal curves are desired this can be controlled by the ordering of the values given to ylim(). E.g. c(0, 100) will generate a low-to-high sigmoidal curve, whereas c(100, 0) will generate a high- to-low curve. The ordering of values has no effect on the Gaussian portions of the final curve.


An object of class rspec.


Thomas White

Hugo Gruson


Azzalini A (1985). A class of distributions which includes the normal ones. Scan. J. Stat. 171-178.


# Single ideal 'grey' reflectance spectrum, with 50% reflectance across 300 - 700 nm.
reflect0 <- simulate_spec(ylim = c(0, 50))

# Single sigmoidal spectrum, with a low-to-high inflection at 550 nm.
reflect1 <- simulate_spec(wl_inflect = 550)

# Single Gaussian spectrum, with a peak at 400 nm
reflect2 <- simulate_spec(wl_peak = 400)

# Combination of both Gaussian (with peak at 340 nm) and sigmoidal (with inflection
# at 560 nm)
reflect3 <- simulate_spec(wl_inflect = 560, wl_peak = 340)

# Double-Gaussian peaks of differing widths
reflect4 <- simulate_spec(wl_peak = c(340, 560), width_gauss = c(12, 40))

# Complex spectrum with single sigmoidal peak and multi-Gaussian peaks
reflect5 <- simulate_spec(wl_inflect = 575, wl_peak = c(340, 430), width_gauss = c(20, 60))

# Simulate a set of Gaussian reflectance curves with peaks varying between 400-600nm
# in increments of 10, then combine into a single rspec object, and plot the result
peaks <- seq(400, 600, 10)  # Peak locations
reflectances <- lapply(seq_along(peaks), function(x) simulate_spec(wl_peak = peaks[x]))  # Simulate
reflectances <- Reduce(merge, reflectances)  # Combine
plot(reflectances)  # Plot

# Simulate a set of Gaussian reflectance curves with a single peak at 500 nm, but
# with maximum reflectance varying from 30 to 90% in 10% increments, then combine
# into a single rspec object, and plot the result
ymax <- lapply(seq(30, 90, 10), function(x) c(0, x))  # Varying reflectance maxima
reflectances2 <- lapply(ymax, function(x) simulate_spec(wl_peak = 500, ylim = x))  # Simulate
reflectances2 <- Reduce(merge, reflectances2)  # Combine
plot(reflectances2)  # Plot

# To simulate non-reflectance spectra (like irradiances or radiances), it's often useful
# to explore more 'extreme' parameters. Here's a simple example which simulates
# natural daylight, as represented by the D65 standard daylight spectrum.
D65_real <- procspec(sensdata(illum = 'D65'), opt = 'smooth')  # Official D65 daylight spectrum
D65_sim <- simulate_spec(wl_peak = 400,
                         width_gauss = 1300,
                         skew_gauss = 10,
                         ylim = c(0, 1))  # Simulated D65
cor.test(D65_real$D65, D65_sim$spec_p400)  # >0.99 correlation
plot(merge(D65_real, D65_sim), lty = 1:2, ylab = 'Irradiance (%)')  # Merge and plot the two spectra

[Package pavo version 2.9.0 Index]