classify {pavo}R Documentation

Identify colour classes in an image for adjacency analyses


Classify image pixels into discrete colour classes.


  method = c("kMeans", "kMedoids"),
  kcols = NULL,
  refID = NULL,
  interactive = FALSE,
  plotnew = FALSE,
  col = "red",



(required) image data. Either a single image, or a series of images stored in a list. Preferably the result of getimg().


methods for image segmentation/classification.

  • 'kMeans': k-means clustering (default)

  • 'kMedoids': k-medoids clustering, using the partitioning-around-medoids ('pam') algorithm for large datasets.


the number of discrete colour classes present in the input image(s). Can be a single integer when only a single image is present, or if kcols is identical for all images. When passing a list of images, kcols can also be a vector the same length as imgdat, or a data.frame with two columns specifying image file names and corresponding kcols. This argument can optionally be disregarded when interactive = TRUE, and kcols will be inferred from the number of selections.


either the numeric index or name of a 'reference' image, for use when passing a list of images. Other images will be k-means classified using centres identified in the single reference image, thus helping to ensure that homologous pattern elements will be reliably classified between images, if so desired.


interactively specify the colour-category 'centers', for k-means clustering. When TRUE, the user is asked to click a number of points (equal to kcols, if specified, otherwise user-determined) that represent the distinct colours of interest. If a reference image is specified, it will be the only image presented.


Should plots be opened in a new window when interactive = TRUE? Defaults to FALSE.


the color of the marker points, when interactive = TRUE.


additional graphical parameters when interactive = TRUE. Also see graphics::par().


You can customise the type of parallel processing used by this function with the future::plan() function. This works on all operating systems, as well as high performance computing (HPC) environment. Similarly, you can customise the way progress is shown with the progressr::handlers() functions (progress bar, acoustic feedback, nothing, etc.)


A matrix, or list of matrices, of class rimg containing the colour class classifications ID at each pixel location. The RGB values corresponding to cluster centres (i.e. colour classes) are stored as object attributes.


Since the kmeans process draws on random numbers to find initial cluster centres when interactive = FALSE, use set.seed() if reproducible cluster ID's are desired between runs.


Thomas E. White

See Also



# Single image
papilio <- getimg(system.file("testdata/images/butterflies/papilio.png", package = "pavo"))
papilio_class <- classify(papilio, kcols = 4)

# Multiple images, with interactive classification and a reference image
snakes <- getimg(system.file("testdata/images/snakes", package = "pavo"))
if (interactive()) {
  snakes_class <- classify(snakes, refID = "snake_01", interactive = TRUE)

[Package pavo version 2.9.0 Index]