adjacent {pavo}R Documentation

Run an adjacency and boundary strength analysis


Calculate summary variables from the adjacency (Endler 2012) and boundary-strength (Endler et al. 2018) analyses, along with overall pattern contrast (Endler & Mielke 2005).


  xpts = NULL,
  xscale = NULL,
  bkgID = NULL,
  polygon = NULL,
  exclude = c("none", "background", "object"),
  coldists = NULL,
  hsl = NULL



(required) an xyz matrix, or list of matrices, in which x and y correspond to spatial (e.g. pixel) coordinates, and z is a numeric code specifying a colour-class. Preferably the result of classify(), or constructed from grid-sampled spectra that have been visually modelled and clustered (as per Endler 2012).


an integer specifying the number of sample points along the x axis, from which the evenly-spaced sampling grid is constructed (if required). Defaults to the smallest dimension of classimg, though this should be carefully considered.


(required) an integer or list of integers equal in length to classimg() specifying the true length of the x-axis, in preferred units. Not required, and ignored, only if image scales have been set via procimg().


an integer or vector specifying the colour-class ID number(s) of pertaining to the background alone, for relatively homogeneous and uniquely-identified backgrounds (e.g. the matte background of pinned specimens). Examine the attributes of, or call summary on, the result of classify() to visualise the RGB values corresponding to colour-class ID numbers for classified images. Ignored if the focal object and background has been identified using procimg().


a data.frame of x-y coordinates delineating a closed polygon that separates the focal object from the background. Not required, and ignored, if the focal object outline is specified using procimg().


the portion of the scene to be excluded from the analysis, if any.

  • 'none': default

  • 'background': exclude everything outside the closed polygon specified using procimg(), or the argument polygon. Alternatively, if the background is relatively homogeneous the colour-class ID(s) uniquely corresponding to the background can be specified via bkgID, and subsequently excluded.

  • 'object': exclude everything inside the closed polygon specified using procimg(), or the argument polygon.


a data.frame specifying the visually-modelled chromatic (dS) and/or achromatic (dL) distances between colour-categories. The first two columns should be named 'c1' and 'c2', and specify all possible combinations of numeric colour-class ID's (viewable by calling summary(image, plot = TRUE) on a colour classified image), with the remaining columns named dS (for chromatic distances) and/or dL (for achromatic distances). See vismodel() and colspace() for visual modelling with spectral data.


data.frame specifying the hue, saturation, and luminance of color patch elements, as might be estimated via vismodel() and colspace(). The first column, named 'patch', should contain numeric color category IDs, with the remaining columns specifying one or more of 'hue' (angle, in radians), 'sat', and/or 'lum'.


You can customise the type of parallel processing used by this function with the future::plan() function. This works on all operating systems, as well as high performance computing (HPC) environment. Similarly, you can customise the way progress is shown with the progressr::handlers() functions (progress bar, acoustic feedback, nothing, etc.)


a data frame of summary variables:


Thomas E. White


Endler, J. A. (2012). A framework for analysing colour pattern geometry: adjacent colours. Biological Journal Of The Linnean Society, 107(2), 233-253.

Endler, J. A., Cole G., Kranz A. (2018). Boundary Strength Analysis: Combining color pattern geometry and coloured patch visual properties for use in predicting behaviour and fitness. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 9(12), 2334-2348.

Endler, J. A., & Mielke, P. (2005). Comparing entire colour patterns as birds see them. Biological Journal Of The Linnean Society, 86(4), 405-431.

See Also

classify(), summary.rimg(), procimg()


# Set a seed, for reproducibility

# Run the adjacency analysis on a single image of a butterfly
papilio <- getimg(system.file("testdata/images/butterflies/papilio.png", package = "pavo"))
papilio_class <- classify(papilio, kcols = 4)
papilio_adj <- adjacent(papilio_class, xscale = 100)

# Expand on the above, by including (fake) color distances and hsl values
# of colour elements in the image

# Generate fake color distances
distances <- data.frame(
  c1 = c(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3),
  c2 = c(2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 4),
  dS = c(5.3, 3.5, 5.7, 2.9, 6.1, 3.2),
  dL = c(5.5, 6.6, 3.3, 2.2, 4.4, 6.6)

# Generate some fake hue, saturation, luminance values
hsl_vals <- data.frame(
  patch = seq_len(4),
  hue = c(1.5, 2.2, 1.0, 0.5),
  lum = c(10, 5, 7, 3),
  sat = c(3.5, 1.1, 6.3, 1.3)

# Run the full analysis, including the white background's ID
papilio_adj <- adjacent(papilio_class,
  xscale = 100, bkgID = 1,
  coldists = distances, hsl = hsl_vals

# Run an adjacency analysis on multiple images.
# First load some images of coral snake colour patterns
snakes <- getimg(system.file("testdata/images/snakes", package = "pavo"))

# Automatically colour-classify the coral snake patterns
snakes_class <- classify(snakes, kcols = 3)

# Run the adjacency analysis, with varying real-world scales for each image
snakes_adj <- adjacent(snakes_class, xpts = 120, xscale = c(50, 55))

[Package pavo version 2.9.0 Index]