plotMutInteract {pathwayTMB} | R Documentation |
Exact tests to detect mutually exclusive, co-occuring and altered genesets or pathways.
Performs Pair-wise Fisher's Exact test to detect mutually exclusive or co-occuring events.
pvalue = c(0.05, 0.01),
returnAll = TRUE,
fontSize = 0.8,
showSigSymbols = TRUE,
showCounts = FALSE,
countStats = "all",
countType = "all",
countsFontSize = 0.8,
countsFontColor = "black",
colPal = "BrBG",
nShiftSymbols = 5,
sigSymbolsSize = 2,
sigSymbolsFontSize = 0.9,
pvSymbols = c(46, 42),
limitColorBreaks = TRUE
freq_matrix |
The mutations matrix,generated by 'get_mut_matrix'. |
genes |
List of genes or pathways among which interactions should be tested. |
pvalue |
Default c(0.05, 0.01) p-value threshold. You can provide two values for upper and lower threshold. |
returnAll |
If TRUE returns test statistics for all pair of tested genes. Default FALSE, returns for only genes below pvalue threshold. |
fontSize |
cex for gene names. Default 0.8. |
showSigSymbols |
Default TRUE. Heighlight significant pairs. |
showCounts |
Default TRUE. Include number of events in the plot. |
countStats |
Default 'all'. Can be 'all' or 'sig'. |
countType |
Default 'cooccur'. Can be 'all', 'cooccur', 'mutexcl'. |
countsFontSize |
Default 0.8. |
countsFontColor |
Default 'black'. |
colPal |
colPalBrewer palettes. See RColorBrewer::display.brewer.all() for details. |
nShiftSymbols |
shift if positive shift SigSymbols by n to the left, default = 5. |
sigSymbolsSize |
size of symbols in the matrix and in legend. |
sigSymbolsFontSize |
size of font in legends. |
pvSymbols |
vector of pch numbers for symbols of p-value for upper and lower thresholds c(upper, lower). |
limitColorBreaks |
limit color to extreme values. Default TRUE. |
list of data.tables
#get the path of the mutation annotation file and samples' survival data
maf<-system.file("extdata","data_mutations_extended.txt",package = "pathwayTMB")
sur_path<-system.file("extdata","sur.csv",package = "pathwayTMB")
sur<-read.csv(sur_path,header=TRUE,row.names = 1)
#perform the function 'get_mut_matrix'
mut_matrix<-get_mut_matrix(maffile=maf,mut_fre = 0.01,is.TCGA=FALSE,sur=sur)
#perform the function `get_PTMB`
plotMutInteract(freq_matrix=PTMB_matrix, genes=final_character,nShiftSymbols =0.3)