get_mut_matrix {pathwayTMB} | R Documentation |
Converts MAF into mutation matrix.
The function 'get_mut_matrix' converts mutation annotation file (MAF) format data into a mutations matrix.Then use the fisher exact test to select the geneset with higher mutation frequency in alive sample group.Finally return the higher mutation frequency matrix.
mut_fre = 0,
nonsynonymous = TRUE,
cut_Cox.pval = 1,
cut_HR = 1,
maffile |
Input mutation annotation file (MAF) format data. It must be an absolute path or the name relatived to the current working directory. |
is.TCGA |
Is input MAF file from TCGA source. If TRUE uses only first 15 characters from Tumor_Sample_Barcode. |
mut_fre |
A threshold value(zero as the default value). The genes with a given mutation frequency equal or greater than the threshold value are retained for the following analysis. |
nonsynonymous |
Logical,tell if extract the non-synonymous somatic mutations (nonsense mutation, missense mutation, frame-shif indels, splice site, nonstop mutation, translation start site, inframe indels). |
cut_Cox.pval |
The significant cut_off pvalue for the univariate Cox regression. |
cut_HR |
The cut_off HR for the univariate Cox regression, uses to select the genes with survival benefit mutations. |
sur |
A nx2 data frame of samples' survival data,the first line is samples' survival event and the second line is samples' overall survival. |
The survival-related mutations matrix.
#get the path of the mutation annotation file and samples' survival data
maf<-system.file("extdata","data_mutations_extended.txt",package = "pathwayTMB")
sur_path<-system.file("extdata","sur.csv",package = "pathwayTMB")
sur<-read.csv(sur_path,header=TRUE,row.names = 1)
#perform the function 'get_mut_matrix'
mut_matrix<-get_mut_matrix(maffile=maf,mut_fre = 0.01,is.TCGA=FALSE,sur=sur)