A Library for using 'Pathling'

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Documentation for package ‘pathling’ version 6.4.2

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conditions Synthetic conditions data
ds_aggregate Execute an aggregate query
ds_extract Execute an extract query
ds_read Get data for a resource type from a data source
ds_write_delta Write FHIR data to Delta files
ds_write_ndjson Write FHIR data to NDJSON files
ds_write_parquet Write FHIR data to Parquet files
ds_write_tables Write FHIR data to managed tables
Equivalence Concept map equivalence types
ImportMode ImportMode
MimeType FHIR MIME types
pathling_connect Create or retrieve the Pathling context
pathling_disconnect Disconnect from the Spark session
pathling_disconnect_all Disconnect all Spark connections
pathling_encode Encode FHIR JSON or XML to a dataframe
pathling_encode_bundle Encode FHIR Bundles to a dataframe
pathling_examples Get path to Pathling example data
pathling_example_resource Read resource from Pathling example data
pathling_install_spark Install Spark
pathling_is_spark_installed Check if Spark is installed
pathling_read_bundles Create a data source from FHIR bundles
pathling_read_datasets Create a data source from datasets
pathling_read_delta Create a data source from Delta tables
pathling_read_ndjson Create a data source from NDJSON
pathling_read_parquet Create a data source from Parquet tables
pathling_read_tables Create a data source from managed tables
pathling_spark Get the Spark session
pathling_spark_info Get versions of Spark and other dependencies
pathling_version Get version of Pathling
PropertyType Coding property data types
StorageType Terminology cache storage type
to_array Convert a vector to a SQL array literal
tx_designation Get designations for codings
tx_display Get the display text for codings
tx_member_of Test membership within a value set
tx_property_of Get properties for codings
tx_subsumed_by Test subsumption between codings
tx_subsumes Test subsumption between codings
tx_to_coding Convert codes to Coding structures
tx_to_ecl_value_set Convert a SNOMED CT ECL expression to a ValueSet URI
tx_to_loinc_coding Convert LOINC codes to Coding structures
tx_to_snomed_coding Convert SNOMED CT codes to Coding structures
tx_translate Translate between value sets
Version FHIR versions