qry_funs {patentsview}R Documentation

List of query functions


A list of functions that make it easy to write PatentsView queries. See the details section below for a list of the 14 functions, as well as the writing queries vignette for further details.




An object of class list of length 14.


1. Comparison operator functions

There are 6 comparison operator functions that work with fields of type integer, float, date, or string:

There are 2 comparison operator functions that only work with fields of type string:

There are 3 comparison operator functions that only work with fields of type fulltext:

2. Array functions

There are 2 array functions:

3. Negation function

There is 1 negation function:


An object of class pv_query. This is basically just a simple list with a print method attached to it.


qry_funs$eq(patent_date = "2001-01-01")

qry_funs$not(qry_funs$eq(patent_date = "2001-01-01"))

[Package patentsview version 0.3.0 Index]