The Composer of Plots

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Documentation for package ‘patchwork’ version 1.2.0

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&.gg Plot arithmetic
*.gg Plot arithmetic
-.ggplot Plot arithmetic
/.ggplot Plot arithmetic
align_patches Align plots across multiple pages
area Specify a plotting area in a layout
free Free a plot from alignment
get_dim Align plots across multiple pages
get_max_dim Align plots across multiple pages
guide_area Add an area to hold collected guides
inset_element Create an inset to be added on top of the previous plot
multipage_align Align plots across multiple pages
plot_annotation Annotate the final patchwork
plot_arithmetic Plot arithmetic
plot_layout Define the grid to compose plots in
plot_spacer Add a completely blank area
set_dim Align plots across multiple pages
wrap_elements Wrap arbitrary graphics in a patchwork-compliant patch
wrap_ggplot_grob Make a gtable created from a ggplot object patchwork compliant
wrap_plots Wrap plots into a patchwork
|.ggplot Plot arithmetic