Barreto2023 | Documentation for the Barreto et al 2023 dataset |
Beyer2020 | Documentation for the Beyer2020 dataset |
bioclim_vars | Compute bioclimatic variables |
bioclim_vars-method | Compute bioclimatic variables |
biome4_classes | BIOME4 classes. |
CHELSA_2.1 | Documentation for _CHELSA 2.1_ |
CHELSA_trace21k_1.0 | Documentation for _CHELSA-TracCE21k_ |
CHELSA_trace21k_1.0_0.5m_vsi | Documentation for _CHELSA-TracCE21k_ |
clean_data_path | Clean the data path |
climate_for_locations | Extract local climate for one or more locations for a given time slice. |
climate_for_time_slice | Extract a climate slice for a region |
date2ybp | Convert years BP from pastclim to lubridate date, or vice versa |
df_from_region_series | Extract data frame from a region series |
df_from_region_slice | Extract data frame from a region slice |
distance_from_sea | Compute a raster of distances from the sea for each land pixel. |
download_dataset | Download palaeoclimate reconstructions. |
Example | Documentation for the Example dataset |
get_available_datasets | Get the available datasets. |
get_biome_classes | Get the biome classes for a dataset. |
get_data_path | Get the data path where climate reconstructions are stored |
get_downloaded_datasets | Get the variables downloaded for each dataset. |
get_ice_mask | Get the ice mask for a dataset. |
get_land_mask | Get the land mask for a dataset. |
get_mis_time_steps | Get time steps for a given MIS |
get_resolution | Get resolution of a given dataset |
get_time_bp_steps | Get time steps for a given dataset |
get_time_ce_steps | Get time steps for a given dataset |
get_time_steps | Get time steps for a given dataset |
get_vars_for_dataset | Get a list of variables for a given dataset. |
HYDE_3.3_baseline | Documentation for _HYDE 3.3_ dataset |
is_region_series | Check the object is a valid region series |
koeppen_classes | Koeppen-Geiger classes. |
koeppen_geiger | Reconstruct biomes based on the Köppen Geiger's classification |
koeppen_geiger-method | Reconstruct biomes based on the Köppen Geiger's classification |
Krapp2021 | Documentation for the Krapp2021 dataset |
list_available_datasets | List all the available datasets. |
location_series | Extract a time series of bioclimatic variables for one or more locations. |
location_slice | Extract local climate for one or more locations for a given time slice. |
location_slice_from_region_series | Extract local climate for one or more locations for a given time slice. |
mis_boundaries | Time boundaries of marine isotope stages (MIS). |
paleoclim_1.0 | Documentation for _Paleoclim_ |
paleoclim_1.0_10m | Documentation for _Paleoclim_ |
paleoclim_1.0_2.5m | Documentation for _Paleoclim_ |
paleoclim_1.0_5m | Documentation for _Paleoclim_ |
region_extent | Region extents. |
region_outline | Region outlines. |
region_outline_union | Region outlines unioned. |
region_series | Extract a time series of climate variables for a region |
region_slice | Extract a climate slice for a region |
sample_region_series | Sample points from a region time series |
sample_region_slice | Sample points from a region time slice |
set_data_path | Set the data path where climate reconstructions will be stored |
slice_region_series | Extract a slice for a time series of climate variables for a region |
time_bp | Extract and set time in years before present for SpatRaster and SpatRasterDataset |
time_bp-method | Extract and set time in years before present for SpatRaster and SpatRasterDataset |
time_bp<- | Extract and set time in years before present for SpatRaster and SpatRasterDataset |
time_bp<--method | Extract and set time in years before present for SpatRaster and SpatRasterDataset |
time_series_for_locations | Extract a time series of bioclimatic variables for one or more locations. |
update_dataset_list | Update the dataset list |
validate_nc | Validate an netcdf file for pastclim |
var_labels | Generate pretty variable labels for plotting |
WorldClim_2.1 | Documentation for the WorldClim datasets |
ybp2date | Convert years BP from pastclim to lubridate date, or vice versa |