A Toolkit for Recursive Partytioning

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Documentation for package ‘partykit’ version 1.2-20

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A B C D E F G H I K L M N P R S V W misc

-- A --

as.constparty Coercion Functions
as.list.partynode Methods for Node Objects
as.party Coercion Functions
as.party.rpart Coercion Functions
as.party.Weka_tree Coercion Functions
as.party.XMLNode Coercion Functions
as.partynode Methods for Node Objects
as.partynode.list Methods for Node Objects
as.partynode.partynode Methods for Node Objects
as.simpleparty Coercion Functions
as.simpleparty.constparty Coercion Functions
as.simpleparty.party Coercion Functions
as.simpleparty.simpleparty Coercion Functions
as.simpleparty.XMLNode Coercion Functions

-- B --

breaks_split Binary and Multiway Splits

-- C --

cforest Conditional Random Forests
character_split Binary and Multiway Splits
coef.modelparty Model-based Recursive Partitioning
ctree Conditional Inference Trees
ctree_control Control for Conditional Inference Trees

-- D --

data_party Recursive Partytioning
data_party.default Recursive Partytioning
depth.party Methods for Party Objects
depth.partynode Methods for Node Objects
deviance.modelparty Model-based Recursive Partitioning

-- E --

edge_simple Panel-Generators for Visualization of Party Trees
extree_data Data Preprocessing for Extensible Trees.
extree_fit Fit Extensible Trees.

-- F --

fitted.modelparty Model-based Recursive Partitioning
fitted_node Inner and Terminal Nodes
formatinfo_node Inner and Terminal Nodes
formula.modelparty Model-based Recursive Partitioning

-- G --

getCall.modelparty Model-based Recursive Partitioning
getCall.party Methods for Party Objects
gettree Conditional Random Forests
gettree.cforest Conditional Random Forests
get_paths Extract Node Identifiers
glmtree Generalized Linear Model Trees

-- H --

HuntingSpiders Abundance of Hunting Spiders

-- I --

id_node Inner and Terminal Nodes
index_split Binary and Multiway Splits
info_node Inner and Terminal Nodes
info_split Binary and Multiway Splits
is.constparty Recursive Partytioning
is.partynode Methods for Node Objects
is.simpleparty Recursive Partytioning
is.terminal Methods for Node Objects
is.terminal.partynode Methods for Node Objects

-- K --

kidids_node Inner and Terminal Nodes
kidids_split Binary and Multiway Splits
kids_node Inner and Terminal Nodes

-- L --

length.party Methods for Party Objects
length.partynode Methods for Node Objects
lmtree Linear Model Trees
logLik.modelparty Model-based Recursive Partitioning

-- M --

mob Model-based Recursive Partitioning
mob_control Control Parameters for Model-Based Partitioning
model.frame.modelparty Model-based Recursive Partitioning
modelparty Model-based Recursive Partitioning
model_frame_rpart Model Frame Method for rpart

-- N --

names.party Recursive Partytioning
names<-.party Recursive Partytioning
nobs.modelparty Model-based Recursive Partitioning
nodeapply Apply Functions Over Nodes
nodeapply.party Apply Functions Over Nodes
nodeapply.partynode Apply Functions Over Nodes
nodeids Extract Node Identifiers
nodeids.party Extract Node Identifiers
nodeids.partynode Extract Node Identifiers
nodeprune Methods for Party Objects
nodeprune.party Methods for Party Objects
nodeprune.partynode Methods for Node Objects
node_barplot Panel-Generators for Visualization of Party Trees
node_bivplot Panel-Generators for Visualization of Party Trees
node_boxplot Panel-Generators for Visualization of Party Trees
node_ecdf Panel-Generators for Visualization of Party Trees
node_inner Panel-Generators for Visualization of Party Trees
node_mvar Panel-Generators for Visualization of Party Trees
node_party Recursive Partytioning
node_surv Panel-Generators for Visualization of Party Trees
node_terminal Panel-Generators for Visualization of Party Trees

-- P --

panelfunctions Panel-Generators for Visualization of Party Trees
party Recursive Partytioning
party-coercion Coercion Functions
party-methods Methods for Party Objects
party-plot Visualization of Trees
party-predict Tree Predictions
partynode Inner and Terminal Nodes
partynode-methods Methods for Node Objects
partysplit Binary and Multiway Splits
plot.constparty Visualization of Trees
plot.glmtree Generalized Linear Model Trees
plot.lmtree Linear Model Trees
plot.modelparty Model-based Recursive Partitioning
plot.party Visualization of Trees
plot.simpleparty Visualization of Trees
pmmlTreeModel Coercion Functions
predict.cforest Conditional Random Forests
predict.glmtree Generalized Linear Model Trees
predict.lmtree Linear Model Trees
predict.modelparty Model-based Recursive Partitioning
predict.party Tree Predictions
predict_party Tree Predictions
predict_party.constparty Tree Predictions
predict_party.default Tree Predictions
predict_party.simpleparty Tree Predictions
print.constparty Methods for Party Objects
print.glmtree Generalized Linear Model Trees
print.lmtree Linear Model Trees
print.modelparty Model-based Recursive Partitioning
print.party Methods for Party Objects
print.partynode Methods for Node Objects
print.simpleparty Methods for Party Objects
prob_split Binary and Multiway Splits
prune.lmtree Post-Prune 'modelparty' Objects
prune.modelparty Post-Prune 'modelparty' Objects

-- R --

refit.modelparty Model-based Recursive Partitioning
residuals.modelparty Model-based Recursive Partitioning
right_split Binary and Multiway Splits

-- S --

sctest.constparty Conditional Inference Trees
sctest.modelparty Model-based Recursive Partitioning
split_node Inner and Terminal Nodes
summary.modelparty Model-based Recursive Partitioning
surrogates_node Inner and Terminal Nodes

-- V --

varid_split Binary and Multiway Splits
varimp Variable Importance
varimp.cforest Variable Importance
varimp.constparty Variable Importance

-- W --

WeatherPlay Weather Conditions and Playing a Game
weights.modelparty Model-based Recursive Partitioning
width Methods for Node Objects
width.party Methods for Party Objects
width.partynode Methods for Node Objects

-- misc --

[.party Methods for Party Objects
[.partynode Methods for Node Objects
[[.party Methods for Party Objects
[[.partynode Methods for Node Objects