formrowchunks,addlists,matrixtolist,setclsinfo,getpte,distribsplit,distribcat,distribagg,distribrange,distribcounts,distribgetrows,docmd,doclscmd,geteltis,distribmeans,distribisdt,ipstrcat,dwhich.min,dwhich.max {partools} | R Documentation |
Utilities for parallel cluster code.
Miscellaneous code snippets for use with the parallel package, including “Snowdoop.”
ipstrcat(str1 = stop("str1 not supplied"), ..., outersep = "", innersep = "")
cls |
A cluster for the parallel package. |
scramble |
If TRUE, randomize the row order in the resulting data frame. |
rc |
Set to 1 for rows, other for columns. |
m |
A matrix or data frame. |
mchunkname |
Quoted name to be given to the created chunks. |
lst1 |
An R list. |
lst2 |
An R list. |
add |
“Addition” function, which could be summation, concatenation and so on. |
dfname |
Quoted name of a data frame, either centralized or distributed. |
ynames |
Vector of quoted names of variables on which |
vecname |
Quoted name of a vector. |
... |
One of more vectors of character strings, where the vectors are typically of length 1. |
xnames |
Vector of quoted names of variables that define the grouping. |
dataname |
Quoted name of a distributed data frame or data.table. |
saveni |
If TRUE, save the chunk sizes. |
Quoted name of a single-argument function to be used in
aggregating within cluster nodes. If |
FUNdim |
Number of elements in the return value of |
FUN1 |
Quoted name of function to be used in aggregation between cluster nodes. |
vec |
Quoted expression that evaluates to a vector. |
na.rm |
Remove NA values. |
cmd |
An R command. |
toexec |
Quoted string containing command to be executed. |
lst |
An R list of vectors. |
i |
A column index |
str1 |
A character string. |
outersep |
Separator, e.g. a comma, between strings specified in ... |
innersep |
Separator, e.g. a comma, within string vectors specified in ... |
The setclsinfo
function does initialization needed for
use of the tools in the package.
The function formrowchunks
forms chunks of rows of
, corresponding to the number of worker nodes
in the cluster m
. For any given worker, the code places its
chunk in mchunk
in the global space of the worker.
A call to matrixtolist
extracts the rows or columns of a matrix
or data frame and forms an R list from them.
The function addlists
does the following: Say we have two lists,
with numeric values. We wish to form a new list, with all the keys
(names) from the two input lists appearing in the new list. In the case
of a key in common to the two lists, the value in the new list will be
the sum of the two individual values for that key. (Here “sum” means
the result of applying add
.) For a key appearing in one list and
not the other, the value in the new list will be the value in the input
The function exportlibpaths
, invoked from the manager, exports
the manager's R search path to the workers.
The function distribsplit
splits a data frame dfname
approximately equal-sized chunks of rows, placing the chunks on the
cluster nodes, as global variables of the same name. The opposite action
is taken by distribcat
, coalsecing variables of the given name in
the cluster nodes into one grand data frame as the calling (i.e.
manager) node.
The package's distribagg
function is a distributed (and somewhat
restricted) form of aggregate
. The latter is called to each
distributed chunk with the function FUN
. The manager collects
the results and calls FUN1
The special cases of aggregating counts and means is handled by the
wrappers distribcounts
and distribmeans
. In each case,
cells are defined by xnames
, and aggregation done first within
workers and then across workers.
The distribrange
function is a distributed form of range
The dwhich.min
and dwhich.max
functions are distributed
analogs of R's which.min
and which.max
The distribgetrows
function is useful in a variety of situations.
It can be used, for instance, as a distributed form of select
In the latter case, the specified rows will be selected at each cluster
node, then rbind
-ed together at the caller.
The docmd
function executes the quoted command, useful for
building up complex command for remote execution. The doclscmd
function does that directly.
An R formula
will be constructed from the arguments ynames
and xnames
, with the latter put on the left side of the ~
sign, with cbind
for combining, and the latter put on the right
side, with +
signs as delimiters.
The geteltis
function extracts from an R list of vectors element
from each.
In the case of addlists
, the return value is the new list.
The distribcat
function returns the concatenated data frame;
works similarly.
The distribagg
function returns a data frame, the same as would a
call to aggregate
, though possibly in different row order;
works similarly.
The dwhich.min
and dwhich.max
functions each return a
two-tuple, consisting of the node number and row number which node at
which the min or max occurs.
Norm Matloff
# examples of addlists()
l1 <- list(a=2, b=5, c=1)
l2 <- list(a=8, c=12, d=28)
addlists(l1,l2,sum) # list with a=10, b=5, c=13, d=28
z1 <- list(x = c(5,12,13), y = c(3,4,5))
z2 <- list(y = c(8,88))
addlists(z1,z2,c) # list with x=(5,12,13), y=(3,4,5,8,88)
# need 'parallel' cluster for the remaining examples
cls <- makeCluster(2)
# check it
clusterEvalQ(cls,partoolsenv$myid) # returns 1, 2
clusterEvalQ(cls,partoolsenv$ncls) # returns 2, 2
# formrowchunks example; see up a matrix to be distributed first
m <- rbind(1:2,3:4,5:6)
# apply the function
# check results
clusterEvalQ(cls,mc) # list of a 1x2 and a 2x2 matrix
matrixtolist(1,m) # 3-component list, first is (1,2)
# test of of distribagg():
# form and distribute test data
x <- sample(1:3,10,replace=TRUE)
y <- sample(0:1,10,replace=TRUE)
u <- runif(10)
v <- runif(10)
d <- data.frame(x,y,u,v)
# check that it's there at the cluster nodes, in distributed form
# try the aggregation function
distribagg(cls,c("u","v"), c("x","y"),"d","max")
# check result
aggregate(cbind(u,v) ~ x+y,d,max)
# real data
mtc <- mtcars
# check
aggregate(cbind(mpg,disp,hp) ~ cyl+gear,data=mtcars,FUN=max)
# check
# find mean mpg, hp for each cyl/gear combination
# extract and collect all the mtc rows in which the number of cylinders is 8
distribgetrows(cls,'mtc[mtc$cyl == 8,]')
# check
mtc[mtc$cyl == 8,]
# same for data.tables
mtc <-
dwhich.min(cls,'mtc$mpg') # smallest is at node 1, row 15
dwhich.max(cls,'mtc$mpg') # largest is at node 2, row 4