Agglomerative Partitioning Framework for Dimension Reduction

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Documentation for package ‘partition’ version 0.2.0

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as_director Create a custom director
as_measure Create a custom metric
as_partitioner Create a partitioner
as_partition_step Create a partition object from a data frame
as_reducer Create a custom reducer
baxter_clinical Microbiome data
baxter_data Microbiome data
baxter_data_dictionary Microbiome data
baxter_family Microbiome data
baxter_genus Microbiome data
baxter_otu Microbiome data
corr Efficiently fit correlation coefficient for matrix or two vectors
direct_distance Target based on minimum distance matrix
direct_distance_pearson Target based on minimum distance matrix
direct_distance_spearman Target based on minimum distance matrix
direct_k_cluster Target based on K-means clustering
filter_reduced Filter the reduced mappings
fitted.partition Return the reduced data from a partition
icc Calculate the intraclass correlation coefficient
is_partition Is this object a partition?
is_partitioner Is this object a partitioner?
is_partition_step Is this object a 'partition_step'?
mapping_groups Return partition mapping key
mapping_key Return partition mapping key
map_cluster Reduce a target
map_partition Map a partition across a range of minimum information
measure_icc Measure the information loss of reduction using intraclass correlation coefficient
measure_min_icc Measure the information loss of reduction using the minimum intraclass correlation coefficient
measure_min_r2 Measure the information loss of reduction using minimum R-squared
measure_std_mutualinfo Measure the information loss of reduction using standardized mutual information
measure_variance_explained Measure the information loss of reduction using the variance explained
mutual_information Calculate the standardized mutual information of a data set
partition Agglomerative partitioning
partition_scores Return the reduced data from a partition
part_icc Partitioner: distance, ICC, scaled means
part_kmeans Partitioner: K-means, ICC, scaled means
part_minr2 Partitioner: distance, minimum R-squared, scaled means
part_pc1 Partitioner: distance, first principal component, scaled means
part_stdmi Partitioner: distance, mutual information, scaled means
permute_df Permute a data set
plot_area_clusters Plot partitions
plot_information Plot partitions
plot_ncluster Plot partitions
plot_permutation Plot permutation tests
plot_stacked_area_clusters Plot partitions
reduce_cluster Reduce a target
reduce_first_component Reduce selected variables to first principal component
reduce_kmeans Reduce selected variables to scaled means
reduce_scaled_mean Reduce selected variables to scaled means
replace_partitioner Replace the director, metric, or reducer for a partitioner
scaled_mean Average and scale rows in a 'data.frame'
simulate_block_data Simulate correlated blocks of variables
super_partition super_partition
test_permutation Permute partitions
unnest_mappings Return partition mapping key
unnest_reduced Filter the reduced mappings