Parallel Dynamic Web-Scraping Using 'RSelenium'

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Documentation for package ‘parsel’ version 0.3.0

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%>>% pipe-like operator that passes the output of lhs to the prev argument of rhs to paste together a scraper function in sequence.
build_scraper generates the scraping function defined by start_scraper and other constructors in your environment
click wrapper around clickElement() method to generate safe scraping code
get_element wrapper around getElementText() method to generate safe scraping code
go wrapper around remDr$navigate method to generate safe navigation code
goback wrapper around remDr$goBack method to generate safe backwards navigation code
goforward wrapper around remDr$goForward method to generate safe forwards navigation code
parscrape parallelize execution of RSelenium
show renders the output of the piped functions to the console via cat()
start_scraper sets function name and arguments of scraping function
type wrapper around sendKeysToElement() method to generate safe scraping code