Parametric Models for Survival Data

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Documentation for package ‘parmsurvfit’ version 0.1.0

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parmsurvfit-package parmsurvfit: Fitting right censored data to parametric distributions.
aggressive Data on time until drivers honked their horn when being blocked from an intersection
compute_AD Anderson-Darling goodness of fit test statistic
firstdrink Data on age at first drink of alcohol.
fit_data Fitting right censored survival data to distribution
graduate Data on time until graduation for 1000 college students.
oscars Data on time until actors receive their first Academy Award nomination
parmsurvfit parmsurvfit: Fitting right censored data to parametric distributions.
plot_cumhaz Plotting parametric cumulative hazard curves
plot_density Plotting density function overlayed on top of a histogram of data
plot_haz Plotting parametric hazard curves
plot_ppsurv Plotting percent-percent plots for parametric fitting of data
plot_surv Plotting parametric survival curves
rearrest Data on time until re-incarceration for 194 inmates.
surv_prob Survival probability based on parametric distribution
surv_summary Summary statistics based on parametric distribution