parfm {parfm} | R Documentation |
Parametric Frailty Models
Fits parametric Frailty Models by maximizing the marginal likelihood.
parfm(formula, cluster = NULL, strata = NULL, data,
inip = NULL, iniFpar = NULL,
dist = c("weibull", "inweibull", "frechet", "exponential",
"gompertz", "loglogistic", "lognormal", "logskewnormal"),
frailty = c("none", "gamma", "ingau", "possta",
"lognormal", "loglogistic"),
method = "nlminb",
maxit = 500, Fparscale = 1, showtime = FALSE, correct = 0)
formula |
A |
cluster |
The name of a cluster variable in data. |
strata |
The name of a strata variable in data. |
data |
A |
inip |
The vector of initial values. First components are for the baseline hazard parameters according to the order given in 'details'; Other components are for the regression parameters according to the order given in 'formula'. |
iniFpar |
The initial value of the frailty parameter. |
dist |
The baseline hazard distribution.
One of |
frailty |
The Frailty distribution.
One of: |
method |
The optimisation method from the function |
maxit |
Maximum number of iterations (see |
Fparscale |
the scaling value for the frailty parameter in |
showtime |
Show the execution time? |
correct |
A correction factor that does not change the marginal log-likelihood except for an additive constant given by #clusters * correct * log(10). It may be useful in order to get finite log-likelihood values in case of many events per cluster with Positive Stable frailties. Note that the value of the log-likelihood in the output is the re-adjusted value. |
Baseline hazards
The Weibull hazard (dist="weibull"
) is
h(t; \rho, \lambda) = \rho \lambda t^{\rho - 1}
with \rho, \lambda > 0
The inverse Weibull (or Fréchet) hazard (dist="inweibull"
or dist="frechet"
) is
h(t; \rho, \lambda) = \frac{\rho \lambda t^{-\rho - 1}}{\exp(\lambda t^{-\rho}) - 1}
with \rho, \lambda > 0
The exponential hazard (dist="exponential"
) is
h(t; \lambda) = \lambda
with \lambda > 0
The Gompertz hazard (dist="gompertz"
) is
h(t; \gamma, \lambda) = \lambda \exp ( \gamma t )
with \gamma, \lambda > 0
The lognormal hazard (dist="lognormal"
) is
h(t; \mu, \sigma) = \frac{\phi \left( \frac{\log ( t ) - \mu}{\sigma}\right)}{\sigma t \left[ 1 - \Phi \left( \frac{\log ( t ) - \mu}{\sigma}\right)\right]}
with \mu \in {R}, \sigma > 0
, and where
and \Phi
are the density and distribution functions of a standard Normal random variable.
The loglogistic hazard (dist="loglogistic"
) is
h(t; \alpha, \kappa) = \frac{\exp ( \alpha ) \kappa t^{\kappa - 1}}{1 + \exp ( \alpha ) t^{\kappa}}
with \alpha \in {R}, \kappa > 0
The log-skew-normal hazard (dist="logskewnormal"
) is
obtained as the ratio between the density and the cumulative distribution function
of a log-skew normal random variable (Azzalini, 1985),
which has density
f(t; \xi, \omega, \alpha) = \frac{2}{\omega t}
\phi\left(\frac{\log(t) - \xi}{\omega}\right)
with \xi \in {R}, \omega > 0, \alpha \in {R}
, and where
and \Phi
are the density and distribution functions of a standard Normal random variable.
Of note, if \alpha=0
then the log-skew-normal boils down
to the log-normal distribution, with \mu=\xi
and \sigma=\omega
Frailty distributions
The gamma frailty distribution (frailty="gamma"
) is
f ( u ) = \frac{\theta^{-\frac{1}{\theta}} u^{\frac{1}{\theta} - 1} \exp \left( - u / \theta \right)} {\Gamma ( 1 / \theta )}
with \theta > 0
and where \Gamma ( \cdot )
is the gamma function.
The inverse Gaussian frailty distribution (frailty="ingau"
) is
f(u) = \frac1{\sqrt{2 \pi \theta}} u^{- \frac32} \exp \left( - \frac{(u-1)^2}{2 \theta u} \right)
with \theta > 0
The positive stable frailty distribution (frailty="poosta"
) is
f(u) = f(u) = - \frac1{\pi u} \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{\Gamma ( k (1 - \nu ) + 1 )}{k!} \left( - u^{ \nu - 1} \right)^{k} \sin ( ( 1 - \nu ) k \pi )
with 0 < \nu < 1
The lognormal frailty distribution (frailty="lognormal"
) is
f(u) = \frac1{\sqrt{2 \pi \theta}} u^{-1} \exp \left( - \frac{\log(u)^2}{2 \theta} \right)
with \theta > 0
As the Laplace tranform of the lognormal frailties does not exist in closed form,
the saddlepoint approximation is used (Goutis and Casella, 1999).
An object of class parfm
Federico Rotolo [aut, cre], Marco Munda [aut], Andrea Callegaro [ctb]
Munda M, Rotolo F, Legrand C (2012). parfm: Parametric Frailty Models in R. Journal of Statistical Software, 51(11), 1-20. DOI <doi: 10.18637/jss.v051.i11>
Duchateau L, Janssen P (2008). The frailty model. Springer.
Wienke A (2010). Frailty Models in Survival Analysis. Chapman & Hall/CRC biostatistics series. Taylor and Francis.
Goutis C, Casella G (1999). Explaining the Saddlepoint Approximation. The American Statistician 53(3), 216-224. DOI <doi: 10.1080/00031305.1999.10474463>
Azzalini A (1985). A class of distributions which includes the normal ones. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 12(2):171-178.
See Also
#------Kidney dataset------
# type 'help(kidney)' for a description of the data set
kidney$sex <- kidney$sex - 1
parfm(Surv(time,status) ~ sex + age, cluster = "id",
data = kidney, dist = "exponential", frailty = "gamma")
parfm(Surv(time,status) ~ sex + age, cluster = "id",
data = kidney, dist = "exponential", frailty = "lognormal")
parfm(Surv(time,status) ~ sex + age, cluster = "id",
data = kidney, dist = "weibull", frailty = "ingau")
parfm(Surv(time,status) ~ sex + age, cluster = "id",
data = kidney, dist="gompertz", frailty="possta", method="CG")
parfm(Surv(time,status) ~ sex + age, cluster = "id",
data = kidney, dist="logskewnormal", frailty="possta", method = 'BFGS')
#------Asthma dataset------
# type 'help(asthma)' for a description of the data set
asthma$time <- asthma$End - asthma$Begin
parfm(Surv(time, Status) ~ Drug, cluster = "Patid", data = asthma,
dist = "weibull", frailty = "gamma")
parfm(Surv(time, Status) ~ Drug, cluster = "Patid", data = asthma,
dist = "weibull", frailty = "lognormal")
parfm(Surv(Begin, End, Status) ~ Drug, cluster = "Patid",
data = asthma[asthma$Fevent == 0, ],
dist = "weibull", frailty = "lognormal", method = "Nelder-Mead")