Run a Function Iteratively While Varying Parameters

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Documentation for package ‘paramtest’ version 0.1.0

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gen_data Generate data through a factor matrix and effects matrix.
grid_search Run a function iteratively using a grid search approach for parameter values, with options for parallel processing.
lm_error_var Calculate error variance given model coefficients.
n.iter Return the number of iterations performed by a parameter test.
n.iter.paramtest Return the number of iterations performed by a parameter test.
print.paramtest_summary Print summary of parameter tests.
random_search Run a function iteratively using a random search approach for parameter values, with options for parallel processing.
results Return results of a parameter test.
results.paramtest Return results of a parameter test.
run_test Run a function iteratively, with options for parallel processing.
summary.paramtest Print summary of parameter tests.
tests Return the parameter values that were tested by paramtest.
tests.paramtest Return the parameter values that were tested by paramtest.
timing Return the timing information of a parameter test.
timing.paramtest Return the timing information of a parameter test.