Simplify Parameters

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Documentation for package ‘params’ version 0.7.3

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check_args Assert none of the arguments of a function are null.
fix_column_names fix_column_names
fix_names fix_names
get_opts Setting/loading and extracting various options into the environment
kable Create tables in LaTeX, HTML, Markdown and reStructuredText
load_opts Setting/loading and extracting various options into the environment
load_toml Setting/loading and extracting various options into the environment
new_opts Setting/loading and extracting various options into the environment
opts default opts
params Setting/loading and extracting various options into the environment
parse_opts Parse options to expand '{{variable}}' into their respective values
print.opts Setting/loading and extracting various options into the environment
read_sheet Read/Write sheets (automatically detect the file type and work accordingly)
set_opts Setting/loading and extracting various options into the environment
write_sheet Read/Write sheets (automatically detect the file type and work accordingly)