SampleRandAge {paramDemo}R Documentation

Sampling Ages at Death from a Parametric Mortality model


SampleRandAge is used to randomly sample ages at death from a parametric mortality model


SampleRandAge(n, theta, dx = 0.001, model = "GO", 
               shape = "simple",  minSx = 1e-04)



Number of individual ages at death to sample


Numerical vector of age-specific mortality parameters (see details).


Numeric value for the age increments (see details).


The underlying mortality model to be used. "EX" = exponential,"GO" = Gompertz, "WE" = Weibull and "LO" = logistic (see details).


The overall shape of the model. Values are: simple = no extra parameters added; Makeham = a constant parameter is added to the mortality; and bathtub = a Gompertz declining mortality for early ages and a constant parameter are added to the mortality model (see details).


Minimum value for the survival function to set the maximum age (see details)


SampleRandAge arguments “model” and “shape”, to calculate the survival function, S(x)S(x) for x0x \geq 0, at discrete age intervals [x,x+Δx)[x, x + \Delta x) where Δx\Delta x is specfied with argument “dx”. It then calculates the CDF of ages at death, F(x)F(x), and uses inverse sampling to sample nn ages at death by random sampling from a uniform distribution bound as

uiUnif[F(xm),F(xM)], u_i \sim Unif[F(x_m), F(x_M)],

where xm=min(x)x_m = min(x) and xM=max(x)x_M = max(x). It then finds the corresponding ages at death as

xi=F1(ui). x_i = F^{-1}(u_i).

In most cases, this is acheived numerically and thus the lower the value for argument “dx” the higher the precision.


SampleRandAge returns a vector of class “numeric” with randmly generated ages at death.


Fernando Colchero


# Simulate age at death data from Gompertz model:
ages <- SampleRandAge(n = 100, theta = c(b0 = -5, b1 = 0.1))

# Simulate age at death data from Siler model:
ages <- SampleRandAge(n = 100, theta = c(a0 = 0, a1 = 1, c = 0.001, 
                      b0 = -5, b1 = 0.1), model = "GO", 
                      shape = "bathtub")

[Package paramDemo version 1.0.1 Index]