CalcDiscrDemo {paramDemo}R Documentation

Calculating Demographic Rates on Discrete Age Intervals from Parametric Age-Specific Mortality


CalcDiscrDemo is used to calculate survival and fertility functions (i.e., lx, px, and qx) on discrete age intervals from an object of class “paramDemo” created with function CalcDemo.


CalcDiscrDemo(demo, dx = 1)



Object of class “paramDemo” created with function CalcDemo


Numeric value for the age increments. Default is dx = 1


CalcDiscrDemo takes the continuous survival functions from an object of class “paramDemo” and calculates the basic survival probabilities and, if available, fertility rates on discrete age intervals.

Let x0x \geq 0 and ωN\omega \in \mathbb{N} be the next integer of the age when the survival function S(x)S(x) reaches the minimum. Given the age increments, Δx\Delta x, specified with argument dx, the function creates a partition of [0,ω][0, \omega] such that [xi,xi+Δx)[0,ω][x_i, x_i + \Delta x) \subset [0, \omega] for i=1,,ni = 1, \dots, n. At each age interval it calculates the discrete survival, lx, as

lxi=S(xi). l_{x_i} = S(x_i).

The age- or stage-specific survival probability, px, is calculated as

pxi=S(xi+Δx)S(xi), p_{x_i} = \frac{S(x_i + \Delta x)}{S(x_i)},

while the age- or stage-specific mortality probability, qx, is qxi=1pxiq_{x_i} = 1 - p_{x_i}.

If fertility was also calculated with function CalcDemo, then the function includes the discrete age- or stage-specific fertility, bx, as

bxi=b(xi+Δx2)Δx, b_{x_i} = b\left(x_i + \frac{\Delta x}{2}\right) \Delta x,

where b(x)b(x) is the continuous fertility function.


CalcDiscrDemo returns an object of class “discrDemo” that consist of a matrix with the following columns:


Partition of the full age subset into discrete intervals


Survival or cumulative survival


The age- or stage-specific survival probability


The age- or stage-specific mortality probability


If available, the age- or stage-specific fertility


Fernando Colchero

See Also

CalcDemo to create an object of class “paramDemo”.


# Create paramDemo object from Gompertz mortality and
# quadratic fertility:
dem <- CalcDemo(theta = c(b0 = -5, b1 = 0.1), 
                 beta = c(b0 = 0.5, b1 = 0.01, b2 = 10),
                 summarStats = TRUE, agesAR = c(5, 10))

# Create discrete demographic object:
demDisc <- CalcDiscrDemo(dem, dx = 1)

[Package paramDemo version 1.0.1 Index]