parallelPlot {parallelPlot}R Documentation

htmlwidget for d3.js parallel coordinate plot


htmlwidget for d3.js parallel coordinate plot


  categorical = NULL,
  categoriesRep = "EquallySpacedLines",
  arrangeMethod = "fromRight",
  inputColumns = NULL,
  keptColumns = NULL,
  histoVisibility = NULL,
  invertedAxes = NULL,
  cutoffs = NULL,
  refRowIndex = NULL,
  refColumnDim = NULL,
  rotateTitle = FALSE,
  columnLabels = NULL,
  continuousCS = "Viridis",
  categoricalCS = "Category10",
  eventInputId = NULL,
  editionMode = "EditionOff",
  controlWidgets = FALSE,
  cssRules = NULL,
  sliderPosition = NULL,
  width = NULL,
  height = NULL,
  elementId = NULL



data.frame with data to use in the chart.


List of list (one for each data column) containing the name of available categories, or NULL if column corresponds to continuous data; NULL is allowed, meaning all columns are continuous. A named list can also be provided to only indicate which columns are categorical, associating a column name to available categories.


Within a category column, the height assigned to each category can either be:

  • equal for each category (EquallySizedBoxes);

  • or calculated to reflect the proportion of lines passing through each category (EquallySpacedLines).


Within a category box:

  • the position of lines can be calculated to minimize crossings on the left of the box (fromLeft);

  • the position of lines can be calculated to minimize crossings on the right (fromRight, default behavior);

  • lines can be split in two points to minimize crossings on the left and on the right (fromBoth). To turn this ordering off (for example for performance reasons), arrangeMethod can also be set to fromNone.


List of boolean (one for each data column), TRUE for an input column, FALSE for an output column; NULL is allowed, meaning all columns are inputs. A list of column names can also be provided to only indicate which columns are inputs.


List of boolean (one for each data column), FALSE if column has to be ignored; NULL is allowed, meaning all columns are available. A list of column names can also be provided to only indicate which columns are to be kept.


List of boolean (one for each data column), TRUE if an histogram must be displayed; NULL is allowed, meaning no histogram must be displayed. A list of column names can also be provided to only indicate which columns must have an histogram displayed.


List of boolean (one for each data column), TRUE if orientation of axis must be inverted; NULL is allowed, meaning no axis must be inverted. A list of column names can also be provided to only indicate which columns must have an inverted axis.


List of list (one for each data column) of list (one for each cutoff) containing two values (min and max values defining the cutoff) or NULL if there is no cutoff to apply; NULL is allowed, meaning all columns are without cutoff. A named list can also be provided to only indicate which columns have cutoffs, associating a column name to its cutoffs.


Index of the sample row which has to appear horizontal; NULL is allowed, meaning there is no row to use as reference.


Name of the reference column (used to determine the color to attribute to a row); NULL is allowed, meaning there is no coloring to apply.


TRUE if column title must be rotated.


List of string (one for each data column) to display in place of column name found in data, or NULL if there is no alternative name; NULL is allowed, meaning all columns are without alternative name; ⁠<br>⁠ can be used to insert line breaks.


Name of the color Scale to use for continuous data; supported names: Viridis, Inferno, Magma, Plasma, Warm, Cool, Rainbow, CubehelixDefault, Blues,Greens, Greys, Oranges, Purples, Reds, BuGn, BuPu, GnBu, OrRd, PuBuGn,PuBu, PuRd, RdBu, RdPu, YlGnBu, YlGn, YlOrBr, YlOrRd; default value is Viridis.


Name of the color Scale to use for categorical data; supported names: Category10, Accent, Dark2, Paired, Set1; default value is Category10.


When plot event occurred, reactive input to write to; NULL is allowed, meaning no event is sent. An event is a list with two named elements 'type' and 'value'.

  • If type is equal to cutoffChange:

    • value$adjusting is TRUE when pointer is moving, changing a cutoff;

    • value$updatedDim is the name of last cut column;

    • value$selectedTraces gives the indexes of uncut rows;

    • value$cutoffs gives the new values for the cutoffs.

  • If type is equal to axeOrientationChange:

    • value$invertedAxes has the same form than invertedAxes argument.

  • If type is equal to refColumnDimChange:

    • value$refColumnDim is the new column to use as reference (see refColumnDim argument).

  • If type is equal to rowClicked:

    • value$rowIndex is the index of the clicked row.

  • If type is equal to pointChange:

    • value$dim defines the column of the edited point;

    • value$rowIndex defines the row of the edited point;

    • value$newValue gives the new value for the edited point.


Supported edition modes: EditionOff, EditionOnDrag, EditionOnDragEnd; default value is EditionOff .


Tells if some widgets must be available to control plot; NULL is allowed, meaning that !HTMLWidgets.shinyMode is to use; default value is FALSE.


CSS rules to add. Must be a named list of the form list(selector = declarations), where selector is a valid CSS selector and declarations is a string or vector of declarations.


Set initial position of slider, specifying which columns interval is visible. Default value is NULL which is equivalent to:

    dimCount = 8,
    startingDimIndex = 1

Integer in pixels defining the width of the widget.


Integer in pixels defining the height of the widget.


Unique CSS selector id for the widget.


An object of class htmlwidget that will intelligently print itself into HTML in a variety of contexts including the R console, within R Markdown documents, and within Shiny output bindings.


 if(interactive()) {

   categorical <-
     list(cyl = c(4, 6, 8), vs = c(0, 1), am = c(0, 1), gear = 3:5, carb = 1:8)
   parallelPlot(mtcars, categorical = categorical, refColumnDim = "cyl")
   # `cyl` and four last columns have a box representation for categories

   histoVisibility <- rep(TRUE, ncol(iris))
   parallelPlot(iris, histoVisibility = histoVisibility)
   # An histogram is displayed for each column

   histoVisibility <- names(iris) # Same as `rep(TRUE, ncol(iris))`
   cutoffs <- list(Sepal.Length = list(c(6, 7)), Species = c("virginica", "setosa"))
   parallelPlot(iris, histoVisibility = histoVisibility, cutoffs = cutoffs)
   # Cut lines are shaded;
   # an histogram for each column is displayed considering only kept lines

   parallelPlot(iris, refRowIndex = 1)
   # Axes are shifted vertically in such a way that first trace
   # of the dataset looks horizontal

   columnLabels <- gsub("\\.", "<br>", colnames(iris))
   parallelPlot(iris, refColumnDim = "Species", columnLabels = columnLabels)
   # Given names are displayed in place of dataset column names;
   # <br> is used to insert line breaks

   parallelPlot(iris, cssRules = list(
       "svg" = "background: #C2C2C2",
       ".tick text" = c("fill: red", "font-size: 1.8em")
   # Background of plot is grey and text of axes ticks is red and greater

[Package parallelPlot version 0.4.0 Index]