add_cif | Add cumulative incidence function to data |
add_cif.default | Add cumulative incidence function to data |
add_cumu_hazard | Add predicted (cumulative) hazard to data set |
add_hazard | Add predicted (cumulative) hazard to data set |
add_hazard.default | Add predicted (cumulative) hazard to data set |
add_surv_prob | Add survival probability estimates |
add_tdc | Add time-dependent covariate to a data set |
add_term | Embeds the data set with the specified (relative) term contribution | | Transform crps object to data.frame |
daily | Time-dependent covariates of the 'patient' data set. |
GeomHazard | (Cumulative) (Step-) Hazard Plots. |
GeomStepHazard | (Cumulative) (Step-) Hazard Plots. |
GeomStepribbon | Step ribbon plots. |
GeomSurv | (Cumulative) (Step-) Hazard Plots. |
geom_hazard | (Cumulative) (Step-) Hazard Plots. |
geom_stephazard | (Cumulative) (Step-) Hazard Plots. |
geom_stepribbon | Step ribbon plots. |
geom_surv | (Cumulative) (Step-) Hazard Plots. |
get_cumu_coef | Extract cumulative coefficients (cumulative hazard differences) |
get_cumu_coef.aalen | Extract cumulative coefficients (cumulative hazard differences) |
get_cumu_coef.cox.aalen | Extract cumulative coefficients (cumulative hazard differences) |
get_cumu_coef.gam | Extract cumulative coefficients (cumulative hazard differences) |
get_cumu_eff | Calculate (or plot) cumulative effect for all time-points of the follow-up |
get_intervals | Information on intervals in which times fall |
get_intervals.default | Information on intervals in which times fall |
get_laglead | Construct or extract data that represents a lag-lead window | | Construct or extract data that represents a lag-lead window |
get_laglead.default | Construct or extract data that represents a lag-lead window |
get_partial_ll | Visualize effect estimates for specific covariate combinations |
get_plotinfo | Extract plot information for all special model terms |
get_terms | Extract the partial effects of non-linear model terms |
gg_cumu_eff | Calculate (or plot) cumulative effect for all time-points of the follow-up |
gg_fixed | Forrest plot of fixed coefficients |
gg_laglead | Plot Lag-Lead windows |
gg_laglead.default | Plot Lag-Lead windows |
gg_laglead.LL_df | Plot Lag-Lead windows |
gg_laglead.nested_fdf | Plot Lag-Lead windows |
gg_partial | Visualize effect estimates for specific covariate combinations |
gg_partial_ll | Visualize effect estimates for specific covariate combinations |
gg_re | Plot Normal QQ plots for random effects |
gg_slice | Plot 1D (smooth) effects |
gg_smooth | Plot smooth 1d terms of gam objects |
gg_smooth.default | Plot smooth 1d terms of gam objects |
gg_tensor | Plot tensor product effects |
make_newdata | Construct a data frame suitable for prediction |
make_newdata.default | Construct a data frame suitable for prediction |
make_newdata.fped | Construct a data frame suitable for prediction |
make_newdata.ped | Construct a data frame suitable for prediction |
pammtools | pammtools: Piece-wise exponential Additive Mixed Modeling tools. |
patient | Survival data of critically ill ICU patients |
ped_info | Extract interval information and median/modus values for covariates |
ped_info.ped | Extract interval information and median/modus values for covariates |
predictSurvProb.pamm | S3 method for pamm objects for compatibility with package pec |
seq_range | Generate a sequence over the range of a vector |
simdf_elra | Simulated data with cumulative effects |
sim_pexp | Simulate survival times from the piece-wise exponential distribution |
staph | Time until staphylococcus aureaus infection in children, with possible recurrence |
tidy_re | Extract random effects in tidy data format. |
tidy_smooth | Extract 1d smooth objects in tidy data format. |
tidy_smooth2d | Extract 2d smooth objects in tidy format. |
tumor | Stomach area tumor data |