tipDatingCompatabilitySummaryMrB {paleotree}R Documentation

Get the Compatibility Summary Topology From a Tip-Dating Analysis with MrBayes


This function is designed to avoid methodological issues with getting sensible consensus summary topologies from posteriors samples of tip-dated, sampled-ancestor trees output by Mr Bayes. This function will obtain samples of posterior trees, from external files, remove the specified burn-in, and output an undated summary tree of clades (splits) indicated on the output tree, as a particular posterior probability threshold. Posterior probabilities may be appended to the nodes of the output phylogeny. This function should be used for examining topological variation in the posterior.


  nRuns = 2,
  burnin = 0.5,
  compatibilityThreshold = 0.5,
  labelPostProb = TRUE



A filename in the current directory, or a path to a file that is either a .p or .t file from a MrBayes analysis. This filename and path will be used for finding additional .t and .p files, via the nRuns settings and assuming that files are in the same directory and these files are named under typical MrBayes file naming conventions. (In other words, if you have renamed your .p or .t files, this function probably won't be able to find them.)


The number of runs in your analysis. This variable is used for figuring out what filenames will be searched for: if you specify that you have less runs than you actually ran in reality, then some runs won't be examined in this function. Conversely, specify too many, and this function will throw an error when it cannot find files it expects but do not exist. The default for this argument (two runs) is based on the default number of runs in MrBayes.


The fraction of trees sampled in the posterior discarded and not returned by this function directly, nor included in calculation of summary trees. Must be a numeric value greater than 0 and less than 1.


The posterior probability threshold (between 1 and zero, post-burn-in) that a node must satisfy to appear on the output summary tree. The default is 0.5, making the trees output half-compatibility trees (summary topologies), similar to the majority-rule consensus commonly used in maximum parsimony analyses. The value cannot be lower than 0.5 due to current technical constraints, and the need for an R function that iteratively ranks possible splits to be included in a consensus, as the consensus is calculated. Currently, if a clade frequency threshold given (argument p) to ape function consensus, which is used internally by halfCompatTree, all nodes above that compatibility threshold, even splits which are contradictory, will be included on the output tree, often resulting in uninterpretable output.


Logical. If TRUE, then nodes of the output tree will be labeled with their respective posterior probabilities, as calculated based on the frequency of a clade occurring across the post-burn-in posterior tree sample. If FALSE, this is skipped.


This function is most useful for dealing with dating analyses in MrBayes, particularly when tip-dating a tree with fossil taxa, as the half-compatibility and all-compatibility summary trees offered by the 'sumt' command in MrBayes can have issues properly portraying summary trees from such datasets.

Summary topologies calculated with some tip-dating software environments, such as MrBayes, can be subject to strange and uninterpretable methodological artifacts as the methods use attempt to present summary topologies with branch lengths. Many of these algorithms as currently implemented cannot handle the two-degree nodes or zero-length branches that arise from having sampled ancestors. Users looking to summarize a tip-dating analysis cannot easily calculate a dated summary: if they want a dated tree, they must examine a single tree from the posterior (either randomly selected or chosen based on some criteria such as marginal likelihood, posterior probability, etc). However, if our main interest is the unscaled evolutionary closeness of taxonomic units without reference to time, then it is sufficient to examine a summary of the topological variation over our posterior.


A single, undated summary tree, containing those clades (splits) found in greater frequency in the post-burn-in posterior tree sample more than the value of compatibilityThreshold, of class phylo. If labelPostProb = TRUE, nodes will be labeled with the posterior probability of the respective clade.


Consensus trees that combine clades found different trees in the same tree sample may inadvertently combine clades that are not found on any of the actual trees sampled in the posterior, and may be quite far from the posterior trees as sampled in multivariate tree-space. This is a standard criticism leveled at consensus-type summary trees, except for the strict consensus (equivalent here to if a user tried compatibilityThreshold = 1). However, post-burn-in posterior tree samples often sample (and thus contain) a considerable range of tree-space within them, and thus the strict consensus (a total compatibility tree?)


David W. Bapst

See Also

See function obtainDatedPosteriorTreesMrB for additional ways of processing and evaluating trees from MrBayes posterior samples.

Summary trees are estimated using the function consensus in package ape.


## Not run: 
#pull post-burn-in trees from the posterior
      # and get the half-compatibility summary (majority-rule consensus)
      # by setting 'compatibilityThreshold = 0.5'

halfCompatTree <- tipDatingCompatabilitySummaryMrB(
 	runFile = "C:\\myTipDatingAnalysis\\MrB_run_fossil_05-10-17.nex.run1.t",
 	nRuns = 2, burnin = 0.5, 
 	compatibilityThreshold = 0.5,
 	labelPostProb = TRUE

# let's try plotting it with posterior probabilities as node labels

## End(Not run)

[Package paleotree version 3.4.7 Index]