kanto {paleotree}R Documentation

Example Species Abundances Tables


A totally fictional example of species abundance data, for testing functions that require a site-by-taxon table of community ecology data.


A table of type integer, representing terrestrial fauna and flora abundance counts.


A classic dataset of ecological data collected by Satoshi and Okido, consisting of individual counts for 54 terrestrial faunal and floral species, from 23 sites across the mainland Kanto region.

Different ontogenetic stages were compounded and recorded by the common name for the first ontogenetic stage, with some inconsistency for species whose earliest stage have only been recently recognized. When separate names are commonly applied to sexual dimorphic forms, these were also combined and a single common name was used.

Note: This data is a totally made-up, satirical homage to a well-known video game series (thus constituting fair-use).


Pokemon And All Respective Names are Trademark and Copyright of Nintendo 1996-2015.

See Also

twoWayEcologyCluster, communityEcology



#visualize site abundances as barplots
barplotAbund <- function(x){
	x <- x[,colSums(x)>0]
	xpar <- par(mar = c(0,7,2,0))
	for(i in 1:(nrow(x)-1)){
		barplot(x[i,],ylab = rownames(x)[i],
			names.arg = "")
		ylab = rownames(x)[nrow(x)],las = 3)
	mtext("Abundances",side = 2,line = 3,adj = 0.8)

#first five sites
kanto5 <- kanto[1:5,]

#get pairwise Spearman rho coefficients
rhoCoeff <- pairwiseSpearmanRho(kanto,dropAbsent = "bothAbsent")

#what are the nearest-neighbor rhos (largest rho correlations)?
diag(rhoCoeff) <- NA
rhoNearest <- apply(rhoCoeff,1,max,na.rm = TRUE)

# We can see the power plant sample is extremely different from the rest

# measure evenness: Hurlbert's PIE

kantoPIE <- HurlbertPIE(kanto)

# compare to dominance (relative abundance of most abundant taxon)

dominance <- apply(kanto,1,function(x) max(x)/sum(x) )


# relatively strong relationship!

## Not run: 
# Some Cool Ecology Stuff With Other Packages

# basically all the analyses & visualizations
		#for ecology in R that I think are awesome

#Ordination (PCO, DCA)

#get bray-curtis distances
bcDist <- vegdist(kanto,method = "bray")

# do a PCO on the bray-curtis distances
pcoRes <- pcoa(bcDist,correction = "lingoes")
scores <- pcoRes$vectors
# plot the PCO
plot(scores,type = "n")
text(labels = rownames(kanto),scores[,1],scores[,2],cex = 0.5)

# the way the power plant and the pokemon tower converge
	# is very suspicious: may be distortion due to a long gradient

# do a DCA instead with vegan's decorana
dcaRes <- decorana(kanto)
# plot using native vegan functions
	   #will show species scores in red
plot(dcaRes,cex = 0.5)
#kind of messy

#show just the sites scores
plot(dcaRes,cex = 0.5,display = "sites")

#show just the species scores
plot(dcaRes,cex = 0.5,display = "species")

#well, that's pretty cool

#get the nearest neighbor for each site
    # based on pair-wise rho coefficients
rhoNeighbor <- apply(rhoCoeff,1,function(x)
	    rownames(kanto)[tail(order(x,na.last = NA),1)])

#let's plot the nearest neighbor connections with igraph
NNtable <- cbind(rownames(kanto),rhoNeighbor)

# now plot with igraph
NNlist <- graph.data.frame(NNtable)

#arrows point at the nearest neighbor of each sample
	    # based on maximum Spearman rho correlation

# Two Way Cluster With Heatmap

# This example based on code provided by Max Christie

# load pheatmap library for this example

# get distance matrices for sites and taxa
	# based on bray-curtis dist
	# standardized to total abundance

# standardize site matrix to relative abundance
siteStand <- decostand(kanto, method = "total")
# site distance matrix (Bray-Curtis)
siteDist <- vegdist(siteStand, "bray", diag = TRUE)

# standardize taxa matrix to relative abundance
taxaStand <- decostand(t(kanto), method = "total")
# taxa distance matrix (Bray-Curtis)
taxaDist <- vegdist(taxaStand, "bray", diag = TRUE)

### Need to set graphic parameters for table

# Check out range of values for relative abundance
# hist(myStand) # none get very high...

# number of breaks: number of colors for heatmap
nBreaks <- 15

# set underValue
	# anything below this counts as not appearing
	# at that site for visualization purposes
underValue <-  min(siteStand[siteStand>0])-min(siteStand[siteStand>0])/10
# set overValue (max relative abundance)
overValue <- max(siteStand)
# you can set your breaks to any sequence you want
	# and they don't have to be the same length.  
	# You can do this manually too.
# here we added a 0 to 'underValue' bin to 
	# the heatmap, making this bin essentially 0.
colorBreaks <- c(0,seq(underValue,max(siteStand), 
	by = max(siteStand)/(nBreaks-1)))
# here we used the function rainbow to create a vector of colors.  
	# You can set these colors yourself too.  
# It is important that this vector is one element 
	# less than the myBreaks vector
rainColors <- rainbow(nBreaks) 
# now we can add "white" onto the vector, 
	# this will be the first color bin, 
	# which we're going to set to be (essentially) 0.  
rainColors <- c("white", rainColors) 
# If you don't add white, taxa at 0 abundance get colored in

### Plot the 2-Way Cluster

# heatmap, with user-set colors
# feed the function a distance matrix we wanted to use.  
	#siteDist and taxaDist made above by vegdist (bray-curtis)
# scale is the relative abundance, let's label it as such

dev.new(width = 10)

#for some reason, mtext() doesn't recognize pheatmap as plot.new
plot.new(width = 7) 

	  clustering_method = "ward.D", 
	  clustering_distance_rows = siteDist, 
	  clustering_distance_cols = taxaDist,
   color = rainColors, 
   breaks = colorBreaks
mtext("Relative Abundance",
   side = 4, line = -1.4, adj = 0.95)

# pretty cool looking!

# even better: 
   # twoWayEcologyCluster in paleotree


    xDist = siteDist,
    yDist = taxaDist,
    propAbund = siteStandKanto,
    cex.axisLabels = 0.8

## Testing for differences between groups of sites

#is there a difference between routes and non-routes
groups <- rep(0, nrow(kanto))
groups[grep(rownames(kanto), pattern = "Route")] <- 1

#anosim (in vegan)
	#are distances within groups smaller than distances between?
anosim(dat = kanto, grouping = groups)

# we could also use PERMANOVA instead
    # this is generally considered more robust than ANOSIM
      # note that group needs to be factor for PERMANOVA
groupsAsFactor <- factor(groups)
adonis(kanto ~ groupsAsFactor)

# both analyses are very significant

# SIMPER analysis (SIMalarity PERcentages) in Vegan
# which taxa contribute most to the difference between groups?
     # this might be 'index' taxa for different communities
# beware: it might also be the taxa that vary most within groups

simperResult <- simper(comm = kanto, group = groupsAsFactor)

# these are the species that account for at least 70% of
# differences between groups, based on Bray-Curtis distances

# can see % contribtion for all species with summary()
    # as well as more detail in general...

# other analyses to look into:
   # SimProf to test clusters from a cluster analysis...

# alternative for differentiating groups:
   # using multivariate GLMs in mvabund


ft <- manyglm(formula = kanto ~ groupsAsFactor)

# also highly significant!
# note that this method though uses absolute abundances
# it will not accepted
    # which are usually impossible to get 

## End(Not run)

[Package paleotree version 3.4.7 Index]