sample.clade {paleobuddy} | R Documentation |
General rate species sampling
Generates occurrence times or time ranges (as most empirical fossil occurrences) for each of the desired species using a Poisson process. Allows for the Poisson rate to be (1) a constant, (2) a function of time, (3) a function of time and a time-series (usually environmental) variable, or (4) a vector of numbers (rates in a step function). Allows for age-dependent sampling with a parameter for a distribution representing the expected occurrence number over a species duration. Allows for further flexibility in rates by a shift times vector and environmental matrix parameters. Optionally takes a vector of time bins representing geologic periods, if the user wishes occurrence times to be represented as a range instead of true points.
envR = NULL,
rShifts = NULL,
returnTrue = TRUE,
returnAll = FALSE,
bins = NULL,
adFun = NULL,
sim |
A |
rho |
Sampling rate (per species per million years) over time. It can
be a |
tMax |
The maximum simulation time, used by |
S |
A vector of species numbers to be sampled. The default is all
species in |
envR |
A data frame containing time points and values of an
environmental variable, like temperature, for each time point. This will be
used to create a sampling rate, so |
rShifts |
Vector of rate shifts. First element must be the starting
time for the simulation ( |
returnTrue |
If set to |
returnAll |
If set to |
bins |
A vector of time intervals corresponding to geological time
ranges. It must be supplied if |
adFun |
A density function representing the age-dependent preservation model. It must be a density function, and consequently integrate to 1 (though this condition is not verified by the function). If not provided, a uniform distribution will be used by default. The function must also have the following properties:
... |
Additional parameters used by |
A data.frame
containing species names/numbers, whether each
species is extant or extinct, and the true occurrence times of each fossil,
a range of occurrence times based on bins
, or both.
Matheus Januario and Bruno do Rosario Petrucci.
# vector of times
time <- seq(10, 0, -0.1)
# we can start with a constant case
# set seed
# simulate a group
sim <- bd.sim(n0 = 1, lambda = 0.1, mu = 0.1, tMax = 10)
# sampling rate
rho <- 2
# bins for fossil ranges
bins <- seq(from = 10, to = 0, by = -1)
# simulate fossil occurrences data frame
fossils <- sample.clade(sim, rho, tMax = 10,
bins = bins, returnTrue = FALSE)
# draw simulation with fossil occurrences as ranges
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils)
# sampling can be any function of time
# set seed
# simulate a group
sim <- bd.sim(n0 = 1, lambda = 0.1, mu = 0.1, tMax = 10)
# sampling rate
rho <- function(t) {
return(2 - 0.15*t)
# plot sampling function
plot(x = time, y = rho(time), type = "l",
ylab = "Preservation rate",
xlab = "Time since the start of the simulation (My)")
# note for these examples we do not reverse time in the plot
# see other functions in the package for examples where we do
# bins for fossil ranges
bins <- seq(from = 10, to = 0, by = -1)
# simulate fossil occurrences data frame
fossils <- sample.clade(sim, rho, tMax = 10,
bins = bins, returnTrue = FALSE)
# draw simulation with fossil occurrences as ranges
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils)
# now we can try a step function rate
# set seed
# simulate a group
sim <- bd.sim(n0 = 1, lambda = 0.1, mu = 0.1, tMax = 10)
# we will use the less efficient method of creating a step function
# one could instead use ifelse()
# rates vector
rList <- c(2, 5, 0.5)
# rate shifts vector
rShifts <- c(0, 4, 8)
# make it a function so we can plot it
rho <- make.rate(rList, 10, rateShifts = rShifts)
# plot sampling function
plot(x = time, y = rho(time), type = "l",
ylab = "Preservation rate",
xlab = "Time since the start of the simulation (My)")
# bins for fossil ranges
bins <- seq(from = 10, to = 0, by = -1)
# simulate fossil occurrences data frame
fossils <- sample.clade(sim, rho = rList, rShifts = rShifts, tMax = 10,
bins = bins, returnTrue = FALSE)
# draw simulation with fossil occurrences as ranges
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils)
# finally, sample.clade also accepts an environmental variable
# get temperature data
# set seed
# simulate a group
sim <- bd.sim(n0 = 1, lambda = 0.1, mu = 0.1, tMax = 10)
# rho will be temperature dependent
envR <- temp
# function describing environmental dependence
r_t <- function(t, env) {
return(((env) / 12) ^ 6)
# make it a function so we can plot it
rho <- make.rate(r_t, tMax = tMax, envRate = envR)
# plot sampling function
plot(x = time, y = rho(time), type = "l",
ylab = "Preservation rate",
xlab = "Time since the start of the simulation (My)")
# simulate fossil occurrences data frame
fossils <- sample.clade(sim, rho = r_t, envR = envR, tMax = 10, bins = bins)
# now we record the true time of fossil occurrences
# draw simulation with fossil occurrences as time points
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils)
# note that any techniques used in examples for ?bd.sim to create more
# complex mixed scenarios can be used here as well
# sampling can also be age-dependent
# set seed
# simulate a group
sim <- bd.sim(n0 = 1, lambda = 0.1, mu = 0.1, tMax = 10)
# sampling rate
rho <- 3
# here we will use the PERT function. It is described in:
# Silvestro et al 2014
# age-dependence distribution
# note that a and b define the beta distribution used, and can be modified
dPERT <- function(t, s, e, sp, a = 3, b = 3, log = FALSE) {
# check if it is a valid PERT
if (e >= s) {
message("There is no PERT with e >= s")
return(rep(NaN, times = length(t)))
# find the valid and invalid times
id1 <- which(t <= e | t >= s)
id2 <- which(!(t <= e | t >= s))
t <- t[id2]
# initialize result vector
res <- vector()
# if user wants a log function
if (log) {
# invalid times get -Inf
res[id1] <- -Inf
# valid times calculated with log
res[id2] <- log(((s - t) ^ 2) * ((-e + t) ^ 2) /
((s - e) ^ 5 * beta(a, b)))
# otherwise
res[id1] <- 0
res[id2] <- ((s - t) ^ 2) * ((-e + t) ^ 2) / ((s - e) ^ 5 * beta(a, b))
# plot it for an example species who lived from 10 to 5 million years ago
plot(time, rev(dPERT(t = time, s = 10, e = 5, a = 1)),
main = "Age-dependence distribution",
xlab = "Species age (My)", ylab = "Density",
xlim = c(0, 5), type = "l")
# bins for fossil ranges
bins <- seq(from = 10, to = 0, by = -1)
# simulate fossil occurrences data frame
fossils <- sample.clade(sim, rho, tMax = 10, adFun = dPERT, bins = bins,
returnAll = TRUE)
# can use returnAll to get occurrences as both time points and ranges
# draw simulation with fossil occurrences as time points
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils)
# the warning is to let you know the ranges won't be used
# and also as ranges - we take out the column with true time points
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils[, -3])
# we can have more parameters on adFun
# sampling rate
rho <- function(t) {
return(1 + 0.5*t)
# since here rho is time-dependent, the function finds the
# number of occurrences using rho, and their distribution
# using a normalized rho * adFun
# set seed
# simulate a group
sim <- bd.sim(n0 = 1, lambda = 0.1, mu = 0.1, tMax = 10)
# here we will use the triangular distribution
# age-dependence distribution
dTRI <- function(t, s, e, sp, md) {
# make sure it is a valid TRI
if (e >= s) {
message("There is no TRI with e >= s")
return(rep(NaN, times = length(t)))
# another condition we must check
if (md < e | md > s) {
message("There is no TRI with md outside [s, e] interval")
return(rep(NaN, times = length(t)))
# needed to vectorize the function:
id1 <- which(t >= e & t < md)
id2 <- which(t == md)
id3 <- which(t > md & t <= s)
id4 <- which( !(1:length(t) %in% c(id1,id2,id3)))
# actually vetorizing function
res <- vector()
# (t >= e & t < md)
res[id1] <- (2*(t[id1] - e)) / ((s - e) * (md - e))
# (t == md)
res[id2] <- 2 / (s - e)
# (md < t & t <= s)
res[id3] <- (2*(s - t[id3])) / ((s - e) * (s - md))
# outside function's limits
res[id4] <- 0
# set mode at 8
md <- 8
# plot it for an example species who lived from 10mya to the present
plot(time, rev(dTRI(time, 10, 5, 1, md)),
main = "Age-dependence distribution",
xlab = "Species age (My)", ylab = "Density",
xlim = c(0, 5), type = "l")
# bins for fossil ranges
bins <- seq(from = 10, to = 0, by = -1)
# simulate fossil occurrences for the first species
fossils <- sample.clade(sim, rho, tMax = 10, S = 1, adFun = dTRI,
bins = bins, returnTrue = FALSE, md = md)
# note we provide the peak for the triangular sampling as an argument
# here that peak is assigned in absolute geological, but
# it usually makes more sense to express this in terms
# of age (a given percentile of the age, for instance) - see below
# draw simulation with fossil occurrences as ranges
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils)
# we can also have a hat-shaped increase through the duration of a species
# with more parameters than TS and TE, but with the parameters relating to
# the relative age of each lineage
# sampling rate
rho <- function(t) {
return(1 + 0.1*t)
# set seed
# simulate a group
sim <- bd.sim(n0 = 1, lambda = 0.1, mu = 0.1, tMax = 10)
# age-dependence distribution, with the "mde" of the triangle
# being exactly at the last quarter of the duration of EACH lineage
dTRImod1 <- function(t, s, e, sp) {
# note that now we don't have the "md" parameter here,
# but it is calculated inside the function
# check if it is a valid TRI
if (e >= s) {
message("There is no TRI with e >= s")
return(rep(NaN, times = length(t)))
# calculate md
md <- ((s - e) / 4) + e
# md is at the last quarter of the duration of the lineage
# please note that the same logic can be used to sample parameters
# internally in the function, running for instance:
# md <- runif (n = 1, min = e, max = s)
# check it is a valid md
if (md < e | md > s) {
message("There is no TRI with md outside [s, e] interval")
return(rep(NaN, times = length(t)))
# needed to vectorize function
id1 <- which(t >= e & t < md)
id2 <- which(t == md)
id3 <- which(t>md & t <= s)
id4 <- which( !(1:length(t) %in% c(id1,id2,id3)))
# vectorize the function
res[id1] <- (2 * (t[id1] - e)) / ((s - e) * (md - e))
res[id2] <- 2 / (s - e)
res[id3] <- (2 * (s - t[id3])) / ((s - e) * (s - md))
res[id4] <- 0
# plot for a species living between 10 and 0 mya
plot(time, rev(dTRImod1(time, 10, 0, 1)),
main = "Age-dependence distribution",
xlab = "Species age (My)", ylab = "Density",
xlim = c(0, 10), type = "l")
# sample first two species
fossils <- sample.clade(sim = sim, rho = rho, tMax = 10, adFun = dTRImod1)
# draw simulation with fossil occurrences as time points
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils)
# here, we fix md at the last quarter
# of the duration of the lineage
# the parameters of adFun can also relate to each specific lineage,
# which is useful when using variable parameters for each species
# to keep track of those parameters after the sampling is over
# set seed
# simulate a group
sim <- bd.sim(n0 = 1, lambda = 0.1, mu = 0.1, tMax = 10)
# sampling rate
rho <- 3
# get the par and par1 vectors
# get mins vector
minsPar <- ifelse($TE), 0, sim$TE)
# a random time inside each species' duration
par <- runif(n = length(sim$TE), min = minsPar, max = sim$TS)
# its complement to the middle of the lineage's age.
par1 <- (((sim$TS - minsPar) / 2) + minsPar) - par
# note that the interaction between these two parameters creates a
# deterministic parameter, but inside the function one of them ("par")
# is a random parameter
dTRImod2 <- function(t, s, e, sp) {
# make sure it is a valid TRI
if (e >= s) {
message("There is no TRI with e >= s")
return(rep(NaN, times = length(t)))
# md depends on parameters
md <- par[sp] + par1[sp]
# check that md is valid
if (md < e | md > s) {
message("There is no TRI with md outside [s, e] interval")
return(rep(NaN, times = length(t)))
id1 <- which(t >= e & t < md)
id2 <- which(t == md)
id3 <- which(t > md & t <= s)
id4 <- which(!(1:length(t) %in% c(id1,id2,id3)))
res <- vector()
res[id1] <- (2*(t[id1] - e)) / ((s - e) * (md - e))
res[id2] <- 2 / (s - e)
res[id3] <- (2*(s - t[id3])) / ((s - e) * (s - md))
res[id4] <- 0
# plot for a species living between 10 and 0 mya
plot(time, rev(dTRImod2(time, 10, 0, 1)),
main = "Age-dependence distribution",
xlab = "Species age (My)", ylab = "Density",
xlim = c(0, 10), type = "l")
# simulate fossil occurrences data frame
fossils <- sample.clade(sim, rho, tMax = 10, adFun = dTRImod2, bins = bins,
returnTrue = FALSE)
# draw simulation with fossil occurrences as time ranges
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils)
# we can also have a mix of age-independent and age-dependent
# sampling in the same simulation
# set seed
# simulate a group
sim <- bd.sim(n0 = 1, lambda = 0.1, mu = 0.1, tMax = 10)
# sampling rate
rho <- 7
# define a uniform to represente age-independence
# age-dependence distribution (a uniform density distribution in age)
# in the format that the function needs
custom.uniform <- function(t, s, e, sp) {
# make sure it is a valid uniform
if (e >= s) {
message("There is no uniform function with e >= s")
return(rep(NaN, times = length(t)))
res <- dunif(x = t, min = e, max = s)
# PERT as above
dPERT <- function(t, s, e, sp, a = 3, b = 3, log = FALSE) {
# check if it is a valid PERT
if (e >= s) {
message("There is no PERT with e >= s")
return(rep(NaN, times = length(t)))
# find the valid and invalid times
id1 <- which(t <= e | t >= s)
id2 <- which(!(t <= e | t >= s))
t <- t[id2]
# initialize result vector
res <- vector()
# if user wants a log function
if (log) {
# invalid times get -Inf
res[id1] <- -Inf
# valid times calculated with log
res[id2] <- log(((s - t) ^ 2) * ((-e + t) ^ 2) /
((s - e) ^ 5 * beta(a, b)))
# otherwise
res[id1] <- 0
res[id2] <- ((s - t) ^ 2) * ((-e + t) ^ 2) / ((s - e) ^ 5 * beta(a, b))
# actual age-dependency defined by a mix
dPERTAndUniform <- function(t, s, e, sp) {
ifelse(t > 5, custom.uniform(t, s, e, sp),
dPERT(t, s, e, sp))
# starts out uniform, then becomes PERT
# after 5my (in absolute geological time)
# plot it for an example species who lived from 10 to 0 million years ago
plot(time, rev(dPERTAndUniform(time, 10, 0, 1)),
main = "Age-dependence distribution",
xlab = "Species age (My)", ylab = "Density",
xlim = c(0, 10), type = "l")
# bins for fossil ranges
bins <- seq(from = 10, to = 0, by = -1)
# simulate fossil occurrences data frame
fossils <- sample.clade(sim, rho, tMax = 10, adFun = dPERTAndUniform,
bins = bins, returnTrue = FALSE)
# draw simulation with fossil occurrences as ranges
draw.sim(sim, fossils = fossils)
# note how occurrences cluster close to the speciation time of
# species 1, but not its extinction time, since around 5mya
# the PERT becomes the effective age-dependence distribution