pbdb_collection {paleobioDB}R Documentation

Get information about a single collection record


Returns information about a single collection record from the Paleobiology Database.


pbdb_collection(id, ...)



Identifier of the collection. This parameter is required.


Additional arguments passed to the API. See all available arguments at https://paleobiodb.org/data1.2/colls/single. E.g.:

  • vocab: Set to "pbdb" to show the complete name of the variables (by default variables have short 3-letter names).

  • show: Select additional blocks of information to be returned along with the basic record. Some possible values include:

    • "loc": Additional information about the geographic locality of the collection

    • "stratext": Detailed information about the stratigraphic context of collection.

    • "lithext": Detailed information about the lithological context of the collection.


Go to pbdb_occurrences() to see an explanation about the main parameters.


A data frame with a single occurrence.


## Not run: 
  pbdb_collection(id = 1003, vocab = "pbdb", show = c("loc", "stratext"))

## End(Not run)

[Package paleobioDB version 1.0.0 Index]