pairwiseCI {pairwiseCI}R Documentation

Wrapper function for two-sample confidence intervals


Confidence intervals (CI) for difference or ratio of location parameters of two independent samples. The CI are NOT adjusted for multiplicity by default. A by statement allows for separate calculation of pairwise comparisons according to further factors in the given dataframe. The function applies the intervals available from t.test(stats) for difference of means with and without assumptions of homogeneous variances; large sample approximations for the difference and ratio of means of lognormal data; the exact CI for difference (wilcox.exact(exactRankTests)) and ratio of location based on the Hodges-Lehmann estimator; bootstrap intervalls for ratio and difference of Medians and Harrell-Davis estimators a more robust alternatives to the Hodges-Lehmann estimator (boot, Hmisc); the Score test derived CI for the difference (prop.test(stats)), Woolf-interval for the odds-ratio and a crude asymptotic as well as an iterative interval for the ratio of proportions.


pairwiseCI(formula, data, by = NULL,
 alternative = "two.sided", conf.level = 0.95,
 method = "Param.diff", control = NULL, ...)



A formula of the structure response ~ treatment for numerical variables, and of structure cbind(success, failure) ~ treatment for binomial variables


A data.frame containing the numerical response variable and the treatment and by variable as factors. Note, that for binomial data, two columns containing the number of successes and failures must be present in the data.


A character string or character vector giving the name(s) of additional factors by which the data set is to be split.


Character string, either "two.sided", "less" or "greater"


The comparisonwise confidence level of the intervals, where 0.95 is default


A character string specifying the confidence interval method, with the following options "Param.diff": Difference of two means, with additional argument var.equal=FALSE(default) as in t.test(stats), "Param.ratio": Ratio of two means, with additional argument var.equal=FALSE(default) as in ttestratio(mratios), "Lognorm.diff": Difference of two means, assuming a lognormal distribution, based on generalized pivotal quantities, "Lognorm.ratio": Ratio of two means, assuming a lognormal distribution, based on generalized pivotal quantities, "": nonparametric confidence interval for relative effects suitable for the Behrens Fisher problem, "HL.diff": Exact conditional nonparametric CI for difference of locations based on the Hodges-Lehmann estimator, "HL.ratio": Exact conditional nonparametric CI for ratio of locations, based on the Hodges-Lehmann estimator, "Median.diff": Nonparametric CI for difference of locations, based on the medians (percentile bootstrap, stratified by the grouping variable), "Median.ratio": Nonparametric CI for ratio of locations, based on the medians (percentile bootstrap, stratified by the grouping variable), "Negbin.ratio": Profile-likelihood CI for ratio of expected values assuming the negative binomial distribution, adapting code from the profile function of MASS (Venables and Ripley,2002), "Quasipoisson.ratio": Profile-deviance CI for the ratio of expected values with a quasipoisson assumption, using the adapted code of the profile function in MASS "Poisson.ratio": Profile-likelihood CI for the ratio of expected values with a Poisson assumption, again using slightly changed code from MASS, "Prop.diff": Asymptotic CI for the difference of proportions with the following options: CImethod="NHS" Newcombes Hybrid Score interval (Newcombe, 1998), CImethod="CC" continuity corrected interval (Newcombe, 1998) as implemented in prop.test(stats), CImethod="AC" Agresti-Caffo interval (Agresti and Caffo, 2000) "Prop.ratio": Asymptotic CI (normal approximation on the log: CImethod="GNC") or iterative CI (CImethod="Score") for ratio of proportions, "Prop.or": Asymptotic CI for the odds ratio (normal approximation on the log: CImethod="Woolf"), or the exact CI corresponding to Fishers exact test (CImethod="Exact", taken from fisher.test, package stats) See ?pairwiseCImethods for details.


Character string, specifying one of the levels of the treatment variable as control group in the comparisons; default is NULL, then CI for all pairwise comparisons are calculated.


further arguments to be passed to the functions specified in pairwiseCImethodsCont, pairwiseCImethodsCount and pairwiseCImethodsProp. In particular, different methods to calculate confidence intervals can be specified via the argument CImethod for the comparison of binomial proportions, see details in pairwiseCImethodsProp.


Note that all the computed intervals are without adjustment for multiplicity by default. When based on crude normal approximations or crude non-parametric bootstrap methods, the derived confidence intervals can be unreliable for small sample sizes. The method implemented here split the data set into small subsets (according to the grouping variable in formula and the variable specified in by) and compute confidence intervals only based each particular subset. Please note that, when a (generalized) linear model can be reasonable assumed to describe the complete data set, it is smarter to compute confidence intervals based on the model estimators. Methods to do this are, e.g., implemented in the packages stats, multcomp, mratios.


an object of class "pairwiseCI" structured as:

a list containing:


A named list, ordered by the levels of the by-factor, where each element is a list containing the numeric vectors estimate, lower, upper and the character vector compnames


the level names of the by-factor

and further elements as input, try str() for details.

the object is printed by print.pairwiseCI.


See Also to create a data.frame from the output, summary.pairwiseCI to create a more easily accessable list from the output, plot.pairwiseCI to plot the intervals. Further, see multcomp for simultaneous intervals for difference for various contrasts, mratios for simultaneous intervals for the ratio of means, stats p.adjust, pairwise.t.test, pairwise.prop.test, pairwise.wilcox.test, TukeyHSD for methods of multiple comparisons.


# some examples:
# In many cases the shown examples might not make sense,
# but display how the functions can be used.


# # all pairwise comparisons,
# separately for each level of nitro:

apc <- pairwiseCI(yield ~ Variety, data=Oats,
 by="nitro", method="Param.diff")



# # many to one comparisons, with variety Marvellous as control,
# for each level of nitro separately:

m21 <- pairwiseCI(yield ~ Variety, data=Oats,
 by="nitro", method="Param.diff", control="Marvellous")


# # the same using confidence intervals for the ratio of means:

m21 <- pairwiseCI(yield ~ Variety, data=Oats,
 by="nitro", method="Param.diff", control="Marvellous")

 plot(m21, CIvert=TRUE, H0line=0.9)


# The repellent data set (a trial on repellent 
# effect of sulphur on honey bees): Measured was
# the decrease of sugar solutions (the higher the decrease,
# the higher the feeding, and the less the repellent effect).
# Homogeneity of variances is questionable. Which of the doses
# leads to decrease of the variable decrease compared to the
# control group "H"?

boxplot(decrease ~ treatment, data=repellent)

# as difference to control (corresponding to Welch tests)
beeCId<-pairwiseCI(decrease ~ treatment, data=repellent,
 method="Param.diff", control="H", alternative="less",

# as ratio to control:

## Not run: 
beeCIr<-pairwiseCI(decrease ~ treatment, data=repellent,
 method="Param.ratio", control="H", alternative="less",

# Bonferroni-adjustment can be applied:

beeCIrBonf<-pairwiseCI(decrease ~ treatment, data=repellent,
 method="Param.ratio", control="H", alternative="less",
 var.equal=FALSE, conf.level=1-0.05/7)

## End(Not run)


# Proportions:

# The rooting example:
# Calculate confidence intervals for the 
# difference of proportions between the 3 doses of IBA,
# separately for 4 combinations of "Age" and "Position".
# Note: we pool over Rep in that way. Whether this makes
# sense or not, is decision of the user.


# Risk difference

aprootsRD<-pairwiseCI(cbind(root, noroot) ~ IBA,
 data=rooting, by=c("Age", "Position"), method="Prop.diff")


# Odds ratio

aprootsOR<-pairwiseCI(cbind(root, noroot) ~ IBA,
 data=rooting, by=c("Age", "Position"), method="Prop.or")


# Risk ratio

aprootsRR<-pairwiseCI(cbind(root, noroot) ~ IBA,
 data=rooting, by=c("Age", "Position"), method="Prop.ratio")


# CI can be plotted:



# CIs assuming lognormal distribution of the response:

resp<-rlnorm(n=20, meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1)
datln<-data.frame(resp=resp, treat=treat)

pairwiseCI(resp~treat, data=datln, method="Lognorm.diff")
pairwiseCI(resp~treat, data=datln,  method="Lognorm.ratio")

[Package pairwiseCI version 0.1-27 Index]