html_paged {pagedown}R Documentation

Create a paged HTML document suitable for printing


This is an output format based on bookdown::html_document2 (which means you can use those Markdown features added by bookdown). The HTML output document is split into multiple pages via a JavaScript library paged.js. These pages contain elements commonly seen in PDF documents, such as page numbers and running headers.


  css = c("default-fonts", "default-page", "default"),
  theme = NULL,
  template = pkg_resource("html", "paged.html"),
  csl = NULL,
  front_cover = NULL,
  back_cover = NULL



Arguments passed to bookdown::html_document2.


A character vector of CSS and Sass file paths. If a path does not contain the ‘.css’, ‘.sass’, or ‘.scss’ extension, it is assumed to be a built-in CSS file. For example, default-fonts means the filepagedown:::pkg_resource('css', 'default-fonts.css'). To see all built-in CSS files, run pagedown:::list_css().


The Bootstrap theme. By default, Bootstrap is not used.


The path to the Pandoc template to convert Markdown to HTML.


The path of the Citation Style Language (CSL) file used to format citations and references (see the Pandoc documentation).

front_cover, back_cover

Paths or urls to image files to be used as front or back covers. Theses images are available through CSS variables (see Details).


When a path or an url is passed to the front_cover or back_cover argument, several CSS variables are created. They are named --front-cover and --back-cover and can be used as value for the CSS property background-image. For example, background-image: var(--front-cover);. When a vector of paths or urls is used as a value for front_cover or back_cover, the CSS variables are suffixed with an index: --front-cover-1, --front-cover-2, etc.


An R Markdown output format.


[Package pagedown version 0.20 Index]