as_paf |
Coerce a data.frame or tibble into a pafr object |
chrom_sizes |
Extract the sizes of all sequences in a paf alignment |
dotplot |
Generate a dot plot from a paf alignment |
filter_secondary_alignments |
Remove secondary alignments from a pafr alignment |
Gb_lab |
Number formatters for scales in base pairs |
highlight_query |
Highlight segments of a query or target genome in a dot plot |
highlight_target |
Highlight segments of a query or target genome in a dot plot |
Kb_lab |
Number formatters for scales in base pairs |
Mb_lab |
Number formatters for scales in base pairs |
plot_coverage |
Plot the regions of one genome that are covered by alignments in a paf file |
plot_synteny |
Plot synteny between a query and target sequence in a PAF alignment |
read_bed |
Read genomic intervals in bed format |
read_paf |
Read a genomic alignment in PAF format |
theme_coverage_plot |
A minimalistic ggplot2 theme designed for use with genome coverage plots |