Create, Build and Maintain Packages

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Documentation for package ‘packager’ version 1.15.2

Help Pages

packager-package Helps Me Create, Build and Maintain Packages
build_manual Build a Package's Manual
check_archive Check a Package Archive
check_archive_as_cran Check a Package Archive
check_codetags Check for Code Tags
check_cyclomatic_complexity Check Cyclomatic Complexity
check_news Check for '' Being Up to Date
check_usage Check Usage with 'codetools" 'checkUsagePackage'
create Create a Package Template
get_package_makelist Provide a 'makelist' Suitable for Packages with 'packager'
get_package_version Query Installed Package Versions
get_pkg_archive_path Create a Package's Archive Path From the Package's 'DESCRIPTION'
git_add_commit Git Add All Changes and Commit
git_diff Show a Git Diff for a File
git_tag Create a Git Tag Based on the Current Version Number
infect Adjust a Package
lint_package Customize 'lintr::lint_package'
provide_cran_comments Provide a Template for Your Comments To CRAN
release Release a Package to CRAN
submit Release a Package to CRAN
use_build_ignore Add Files to '.Rbuildignore'
use_devel_version Use a Development Version in DESCRIPTION and ''
use_dev_version Use a Development Version in DESCRIPTION and ''
use_directory Use a Directory