A few Useful Functions for Statisticians

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Documentation for package ‘packHV’ version 2.2

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packHV-package A few useful functions for statisticians
compare Comparing two databases assumed to be identical
convert_factor Convert variables of a data frame in factors
convert_zero_NA Convert 0s in NA
cut_quanti Cut a quantitative variable in n equal parts
desc Making descriptive statistics
hist_boxplot Plot a histogram with a boxplot below
IC_OR_glm OR and their confidence intervals for logistic regressions
IC_RR_coxph RR and their confidence intervals for Cox models
multi.table Multi cross table
plot_km Kaplan-Meier plot with number of subjects at risk below
plot_mm Spaghetti plot and plot of the mean at each time
plot_multi.table Plot a multi cross table
plot_reg Plot points with the corresponding linear regression line