computeVolumes | Compute Excursion Volume Distribution |
compute_contourLength | Compute contour lenghts |
dtt_fast | Rcpp implementation of Felzenszwalb distance transfom |
DTV | Compute Distance Transform Variability |
edm_crit | Distance in measure criterion |
edm_crit2 | Distance in measure criterion |
expDistMeasure | Compute expected distance in measure of approximate excursion set |
grad_kweights | Gradient of the weights for interpolating simulations |
integrand_edm_crit | Integrand of the distance in measure criterion |
krig_weight_GPsimu | Weights for interpolating simulations |
max_distance_measure | Minimize the distance in measure criterion |
max_integrand_edm | Maximize the integrand distance in measure criterion |
optim_dist_measure | Choose simulation points |
simulate_and_interpolate | Simulate and interpolate |