%$$% |
Render operator. |
add_owm_tiles |
Add owm tiles to leaflet map. |
add_weather |
Add weather data to leaflet map. |
cbind_weather |
Flatten weather column in data frame. (DEPRECATED) |
find_cities_by_bbox |
Find cities by bounding box. |
find_cities_by_geo_point |
Find cities by geo point. |
find_city |
Find city by name or coordinates. |
flatten |
Flatten list. (DEPRECATED) |
flatten_weather |
Parse weather column to (single) data frame. (DEPRECATED) |
get_current |
Get current weather data for given city. |
get_current_for_group |
Get current weather data for multiple cities. |
get_forecast |
Get 3h forecast data. |
get_forecast_daily |
Get daily forecast data up to 16 days. |
get_icon_url |
Get icon url. |
owmr |
owmr - An R interface to access OpenWeatherMap's API |
owmr_as_tibble |
Parse owmr response to tibble. |
owmr_as_tibble.default |
Parse owmr response to tibble. |
owmr_as_tibble.owmr_forecast_daily |
Parse owmr response to tibble. |
owmr_as_tibble.owmr_weather |
Parse owmr response to tibble. |
owmr_settings |
owmr settings. |
owm_cities |
owm city list containing ids and coordinates of cities. |
owm_layers |
List of available owm weather map layers. |
parse_columns |
Apply functions to columns. |
remove_prefix |
Remove prefices from column names. |
render |
Render operator. |
search_city_list |
Look up coordinates and city id in owm's city list. |
tidy_up |
Tidy up owm data. (DEPRECATED) |
tidy_up_ |
Tidy up owm data. (DEPRECATED) |
use_underscore |
Substitute dots in column names with underscores. |