middleearth {outcomerate} | R Documentation |
middleearth Dataset
is a toy dataset consisting of 1691 fake survey interviews
conducted in J.R.R. Tolkien's fictional world of Middle Earth.
Variables contained in the data:
code: one of the outcome codes I, P, R, NC, O, UH, UO, UH, UO, NE
outcome: A human-interpretable label for the
variable -
researcher: An identifier for the researcher conducting the interview
region: The region of the respondent (one of five)
Q1: A hypothetical binary research question posed to respondents
Q2: A hypothetical continuous scale question posed to respondents
day: The day the interview took place (1 being the first day of fieldwork)
race: The race of the respondent in middle earth (Dwarf, Elf, Hobbit, Man, or Wizard)
svywt: The survey weight (inverse probability of selection)