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Documentation for package ‘otargen’ version 1.1.1

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colocalisationsForGene Retrieves Colocalisation Statistics for a Given Gene
geneInfo Retrieve gene summary information.
genesForVariant Retrieves variant-surrounding genes with calculated statistics for causal gene prioritization.
getLociGenes Retrieve summary information of the genes in a locus
gwasColocalisation Retrieve calculated GWAS colocalisation data
gwasColocalisationForRegion Retrieve GWAS colocalisation data for a genomic region .
gwasCredibleSet Retrieve GWAS credible set data
gwasRegional Retrieve GWAS summary statistics for a genomic region.
indexVariantsAndStudiesForTagVariant Retrieve population-level summary GWAS statistics.
manhattan Retrieve GWAS summary statistics to create a Manhattan plot
overlapInfoForStudy Retrieves overlap info for a study and a list of studies
pheWAS Retrieve PheWAS (Phenome Wide Association Studies) data for a variant.
plot_coloc Scatter plot of colocalisations for gene and reported traits.
plot_l2g Radar plot for L2G partial scores from 'studiesAndLeadVariantsForGeneByL2G()'
plot_manhattan Plot results from 'manhattan()'
plot_phewas Plot 'PheWAS()' results.
qtlColocalisationVariantQuery Retrieve QTL colocalisation results of a variant
qtlCredibleSet Retrieve calculated QTL summary statistics for credible variant set.
run_custom_query Running custom GraphQL queries
studiesAndLeadVariantsForGeneByL2G Retrieve "locus-to-gene" (L2G) model summary data for a gene.
studyInfo Retrieve study summary information.
studyLocus2GeneTable Retrieve the locus-to-gene (L2G) data table for loci genes.
studyVariants Retrieves all variants for a study.
tagVariantsAndStudiesForIndexVariant Retrieves tag variants and studies for a given index variant.
topOverlappedStudies Retrieve top studies having overlap in identified loci.
variantInfo Retrieves information about a variant.