Easier Interaction with the Ordnance Survey Data Hub

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Documentation for package ‘osdatahub’ version 0.2.0

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bng_to_geom Return the geometry of a British National Grid square
download_os_datapackages Download OS premium data packages
download_os_datapackages.data.frame Download OS premium data packages
download_os_datapackages.numeric Download OS premium data packages
download_os_datapackages.package_list Download OS premium data packages
download_os_opendata Download OS OpenData Products
download_os_opendata.character Download OS OpenData Products
download_os_opendata.product_list Download OS OpenData Products
extent Create extents from geometries
extent_from_bbox Create extents from geometries
extent_from_bng Create extents from geometries
extent_from_geojson Create extents from geometries
extent_from_ons_code Retrieve an extent for ONS geographies
extent_from_polygon Create extents from geometries
extent_from_radius Create extents from geometries
get_ons_geom Retrieve ONS geographies
get_os_key Set credentials for OS Data Hub
has_os_key Set credentials for OS Data Hub
list_crs Print the currently accepted EPSG codes.
list_ngd_collections Retrieve OS NGD Feature Collections
list_os_datapackages Retrieve information on premium OS data packages
list_os_opendata Retrieve information on OS OpenData Downloads
query_maps Query the OS Maps API
query_maps.qExtent Query the OS Maps API
query_nearest_places Query the OS Places API
query_ngd Query the OS NGD Features API
query_ngd.character Query the OS NGD Features API
query_ngd.geos_geometry Query the OS NGD Features API
query_ngd.qExtent Query the OS NGD Features API
query_ngd.sf Query the OS NGD Features API
query_ngd.sfc Query the OS NGD Features API
query_places Query the OS Places API
query_places.character Query the OS Places API
query_places.qExtent Query the OS Places API
query_postcode_places Query the OS Places API
query_uprn_places Query the OS Places API
set_os_key Set credentials for OS Data Hub