polynomial.roots {orthopolynom}R Documentation

Create a list of polynomial roots


This function returns a list with nn elements containing the roots of the order $k$ monic orthogonal polynomials for orders k=0,  1,  ,  nk = 0,\;1,\; \ldots ,\;n using a data frame with the monic polynomial recurrence parameter vectors a\bf{a} and b\bf{b}





monic recurrence data frame with parameters a and b


The parameter m.r is a data frame with $n$+1 rows and two names columns. The columns which are names a and b correspond to the above referenced vectors. Function jacobi.matrices is used to create a list of symmetric, tridiagonal Jacobi matrices from these named columns. The eigenvalues of the k×kk \times k Jacobi matrix are the roots or zeros of the order $k$ monic orthogonal polynomial.


A list with nn elements each of which is a vector of polynomial roots


roots of the order 1 monic polynomial


roots of the order 2 monic polynomial



roots of the order nn monic polynomial


Frederick Novomestky fnovomes@poly.edu


Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, 1968. Handbook of Mathematical Functions with Formulas, Graphs, and Mathematical Tables, Dover Publications, Inc., New York.

Courant, R., and D. Hilbert, 1989. Methods of Mathematical Physics, John Wiley, New York, NY.

Szego, G., 1939. Orthogonal Polynomials, 23, American Mathematical Society Colloquium Publications, Providence, RI.

See Also

monic.polynomial.recurrences, jacobi.matrices


### generate the recurrences data frame for
### the normalized Chebyshev polynomials of
### orders 0 to 10
r <- chebyshev.t.recurrences( 10, normalized=TRUE )
### construct the corresponding monic polynomial
### recurrences
m.r <- monic.polynomial.recurrences( r )
### obtain the polynomial roots from the monic polynomial
### recurrences
p.roots <- polynomial.roots( m.r )

[Package orthopolynom version 1.0-6.1 Index]