check_pkg_usage {origin}R Documentation

Check which packages are actually used in a project


Provide a folder and a vector of package names to check, which packages are actually in use and which functions are used but not exported by the provided packages.


  path = getwd(),
  pkgs = getOption("origin.pkgs", .packages()),
  recursive = TRUE,
  exclude_files = NULL,
  path_to_local_functions = NULL,
  check_local_conflicts = TRUE,
  use_markers = TRUE



a character vector of full path names; the default corresponds to the working directory, getwd()


a character vector with package names. Defaults to the result of .packages but only if the option 'origin.pkgs' is not specified.


logical. Should the listing recurse into directories?


a character vector of file paths that should be excluded from being checked Helpful if all but a few files should be considered by origin.


file path. Helpful if all project specific functions are defined in a specific folder. This folder might not be a sub directory of the current project so the default to just find all function definitions would not be sufficient.


if TRUE, it is checked whether locally defined functions inside of the project mask exported functions packages listed in pkgs. It avoids mistakenly adding pkg:: to a custom local function.


a boolean. If TRUE, the markers tab inn RStudio is used to track changes and show issues. FALSE prints the same information in the console.


'data.frame' invisibly, It consists of 5 columns. - 'pkg': the package that exports this function - 'fun': all functions in alphabetical order - 'n_calls': how often the function has been used in the files - 'namespaced': logical, whether the function has been called explicitly via 'pkg::fct' or implicitly by an attached package - 'conflict': whether this function is exported by multiple checked packages - 'conflict_pkgs': in case of a conflict, which packages does export the same function but are masked Note that functions for that it is unknown from which package they are exported have an 'NA' in the 'pkg' column. Similarly, Packages that are checked but no functions from these are used are listed but have an 'NA' in the 'fun' column


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[Package origin version 1.1.2 Index]