Analysis of Repeatability and Reproducibility Studies with Ordinal Measurements

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Documentation for package ‘ordinalRR’ version 1.1

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compute.q Compute the probabilities for a single rater at a fixed part quality.
density.ordinalRR Plot densities of the latent part distributions.
followup Followup data from experiment on soldered joints.
hist.ordinalRR Histogram for the latent part distributions from a Bayesian ordinal R&R analysis.
make.rater Format the parameters for a single rater.
ordinalRR Fit a Bayesian ordinal R&R model using JAGS.
ordinalRR.control Set control parameters for a Bayesian ordinal R&R model.
ordinalRR.sim Simulate an ordinal R&R data set.
preprocess Format an ordinal R&R data frame into object required by function ordinalRR.
print.ordinalRR Print function for an object of class ordinalRR.
summary.ordinalRR Summarize an object of class ordinalRR.