ordinalNetTune {ordinalNet}R Documentation

Uses K-fold cross validation to obtain out-of-sample log-likelihood and misclassification rates for a sequence of lambda values.


The data is divided into K folds. ordinalNet is fit KK times (K=nFolds), each time leaving out one fold as a test set. The same sequence of lambda values is used each time. The out-of-sample log-likelihood, misclassification rate, Brier score, and percentage of deviance explained are obtained for each lambda value from the held out test set. It is up to the user to determine how to tune the model using this information.


  lambdaVals = NULL,
  folds = NULL,
  nFolds = 5,
  printProgress = TRUE,
  warn = TRUE,



Covariate matrix.


Response variable. Can be a factor, ordered factor, or a matrix where each row is a multinomial vector of counts. A weighted fit can be obtained using the matrix option, since the row sums are essentially observation weights. Non-integer matrix entries are allowed.


An optional user-specified lambda sequence (vector). If NULL, a sequence will be generated using the model fit to the full training data. This default sequence is based on nLambda and lambdaMinRatio, which can be passed as additional arguments (otherwise ordinalNet default values are used). The maximum lambda is the smallest value that sets all penalized coefficients to zero, and the minimum lambda is the maximum value multiplied by the factor lambdaMinRatio.


An optional list, where each element is a vector of row indices corresponding to a different cross validation fold. Indices correspond to rows of the x matrix. Each index number should be used in exactly one fold. If NULL, the data will be randomly divided into equal-sized partitions. It is recommended to use set.seed before calling this function to make results reproducible.


Numer of cross validation folds. Only used if folds=NULL.


Logical. If TRUE the fitting progress is printed to the terminal.


Logical. If TRUE, the following warning message is displayed when fitting a cumulative probability model with nonparallelTerms=TRUE (i.e. nonparallel or semi-parallel model). "Warning message: For out-of-sample data, the cumulative probability model with nonparallelTerms=TRUE may predict cumulative probabilities that are not monotone increasing." The warning is displayed by default, but the user may wish to disable it.


Other arguments (besides x, y, lambdaVals, and warn) passed to ordinalNet.



An S3 object of class "ordinalNetTune", which contains the following:


Matrix of out-of-sample log-likelihood values. Each row corresponds to a lambda value, and each column corresponds to a fold.


Matrix of out-of-sample misclassificaton rates. Each row corresponds to a lambda value, and each column corresponds to a fold.


Matrix of out-of-sample Brier scores. Each row corresponds to a lambda value, and each column corresponds to a fold.


Matrix of out-of-sample percentages of deviance explained. Each row corresponds to a lambda value, and each column corresponds to a fold.


The sequence of lambda values used for all cross validation folds.


A list containing the index numbers of each fold.


An object of class "ordinalNet", resulting from fitting ordinalNet to the entire dataset.


## Not run: 
# Simulate x as independent standard normal
# Simulate y|x from a parallel cumulative logit (proportional odds) model
n <- 50
intercepts <- c(-1, 1)
beta <- c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
ncat <- length(intercepts) + 1  # number of response categories
p <- length(beta)  # number of covariates
x <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), ncol=p)  # n x p covariate matrix
eta <- c(x %*% beta) + matrix(intercepts, nrow=n, ncol=ncat-1, byrow=TRUE)
invlogit <- function(x) 1 / (1+exp(-x))
cumprob <- t(apply(eta, 1, invlogit))
prob <- cbind(cumprob, 1) - cbind(0, cumprob)
yint <- apply(prob, 1, function(p) sample(1:ncat, size=1, prob=p))
y <- as.factor(yint)

# Fit parallel cumulative logit model; select lambda by cross validation
tunefit <- ordinalNetTune(x, y)
bestLambdaIndex <- which.max(rowMeans(tunefit$loglik))
coef(tunefit$fit, whichLambda=bestLambdaIndex, matrix=TRUE)
predict(tunefit$fit, whichLambda=bestLambdaIndex)

## End(Not run)

[Package ordinalNet version 2.12 Index]