refine {optrefine}R Documentation

Refine initial stratification


Refine an initial stratification by splitting each stratum or specified subset of strata into two refined strata. If no initial stratification is provided, one is first generated using prop_strat().


refine(object = NULL, z = NULL, X = NULL, strata = NULL, options = list())



an optional object of class strat, typically created using strat() or as a result of a call to prop_strat(). If not provided, z and X must be specified


vector of treatment assignment; only used if object is not supplied


covariate matrix/data.frame; only used if object is not supplied


vector of initial strata assignments; only used if object is not supplied. Can be NULL, in which case an initial stratification using the quintiles of the propensity score is generated using prop_strat() and the generated propensity score is also added to the X matrix as an extra covariate


list containing various options described in the Details below


The options argument can contain any of the following elements:

Note that setting a seed before using this function will ensure that the results are reproducible on the same machine, but results may vary across machines due to how the optimization solvers work.


Object of class "strat", which is a list object with the following components:


# Choose 400 patients and 4 covariates to work with for the example
samp <- sample(1:nrow(rhc_X), 400)
cov_samp <- sample(1:26, 4)

# Let it create propensity score strata for you and then refine them
ref <- refine(X = rhc_X[samp, cov_samp], z = rhc_X[samp, "z"])

# Or, specify your own initial strata
ps <- prop_strat(z = rhc_X[samp, "z"],
                 X = rhc_X[samp, cov_samp], nstrata = 3)
ref <- refine(X = ps$X, z = ps$z, strata = ps$base_strata)

# Can just input the output of prop_strat() directly
ref <- refine(object = ps)

[Package optrefine version 1.1.0 Index]