Functions for Optimal Matching

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Documentation for package ‘optmatch’ version 0.10.7

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A B C D E F G I L M N O P R S U misc

-- A --

antiExactMatch Specify a matching problem where units in a common factor cannot be matched.
as.InfinitySparseMatrix Convert an object to InfinitySparseMatrix
as.list.BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix Splits a BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix into a list of InfinitySparseMatrices

-- B --

BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix-class Blocked Infinity Sparse Matrix

-- C --

c-method Combine objects
c.optmatch Combine Optmatch objects
caliper Prepare matching distances suitable for matching within calipers.
caliper-method Prepare matching distances suitable for matching within calipers.
cbind.BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix Combine InfinitySparseMatrices or BlockedInfinitySparseMatrices by row or column
cbind.InfinitySparseMatrix Combine InfinitySparseMatrices or BlockedInfinitySparseMatrices by row or column
compare_optmatch Compares the equality of optmatch objects, ignoring attributes and group names.

-- D --

dbind Diagonally bind together subgroup-specific distances
dimnames-method Get and set dimnames for InfinitySparseMatrix objects
dimnames<--method Get and set dimnames for InfinitySparseMatrix objects
distUnion Combine multiple distance specifications into a single distance specification.

-- E --

effectiveSampleSize Compute the effective sample size of a match.
effectiveSampleSize.default Compute the effective sample size of a match.
effectiveSampleSize.factor Compute the effective sample size of a match.
effectiveSampleSize.table Compute the effective sample size of a match.
evaluate_primal Compute value of primal problem given flows and arc costs
exactMatch Generate an exact matching set of subproblems.
exactMatch-method Generate an exact matching set of subproblems.

-- F --

fill.NAs Create missingness indicator variables and non-informatively fill in missing values
findSubproblems List subproblems of a distance
full Optimal full matching
fullmatch Optimal full matching

-- G --

getMaxProblemSize What is the maximum allowed problem size?

-- I --

InfinitySparseMatrix-class Objects for sparse matching problems.

-- L --

LEMON (Internal) Helper function for accessing algorithms in LEMON solver

-- M --

mahal.dist Functions deprecated or removed from optmatch
matched Identification of units placed into matched sets
matched.distances Determine distances between matched units
matchfailed Identification of units placed into matched sets
match_on Create treated to control distances for matching problems
match_on.bigglm Create treated to control distances for matching problems
match_on.formula Create treated to control distances for matching problems
match_on.function Create treated to control distances for matching problems
match_on.glm Create treated to control distances for matching problems
match_on.InfinitySparseMatrix Create treated to control distances for matching problems
match_on.matrix Create treated to control distances for matching problems
match_on.numeric Create treated to control distances for matching problems
maxCaliper Find the maximum caliper width that will create a feasible problem.
maxControlsCap Set thinning and thickening caps for full matching
mdist (Deprecated, in favor of 'match_on') Create matching distances
mdist.bigglm (Deprecated, in favor of 'match_on') Create matching distances
mdist.formula (Deprecated, in favor of 'match_on') Create matching distances
mdist.function (Deprecated, in favor of 'match_on') Create matching distances
mdist.glm (Deprecated, in favor of 'match_on') Create matching distances
mdist.numeric (Deprecated, in favor of 'match_on') Create matching distances
mdist.optmatch.dlist (Deprecated, in favor of 'match_on') Create matching distances
minControlsCap Set thinning and thickening caps for full matching
minExactMatch Find the minimal exact match factors that will be feasible for a given maximum problem size.

-- N --

nuclearplants Nuclear Power Station Construction Data
num_eligible_matches Returns the number of eligible matches for the distance.
num_eligible_matches.BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix Returns the number of eligible matches for the distance.
num_eligible_matches.InfinitySparseMatrix Returns the number of eligible matches for the distance.
num_eligible_matches.matrix Returns the number of eligible matches for the distance.
num_eligible_matches.optmatch.dlist Returns the number of eligible matches for the distance.

-- O --

optmatch Optmatch Class
optmatch-class Optmatch Class
optmatch-defunct Functions deprecated or removed from optmatch
optmatch_restrictions optmatch_restrictions
optmatch_same_distance Checks if two distances are equivalent. 'x' and 'y' can be distances ('InfinitySparseMatrix', 'BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix', or 'DenseMatrix'), or they can be 'optmatch' objects.

-- P --

pair Optimal 1:1 and 1:k matching
pairmatch Optimal 1:1 and 1:k matching
plantdist Dissimilarities of Some U.S. Nuclear Plants
predict.CBPS (Internal) Predict for CBPS objects
print.optmatch Printing 'optmatch' objects.
print.stratumStructure Return structure of matched sets
pscore.dist Functions deprecated or removed from optmatch

-- R --

rbind.BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix Combine InfinitySparseMatrices or BlockedInfinitySparseMatrices by row or column
rbind.InfinitySparseMatrix Combine InfinitySparseMatrices or BlockedInfinitySparseMatrices by row or column

-- S --

scoreCaliper (Internal) Helper function to create an InfinitySparseMatrix from a set of scores, a treatment indicator, and a caliper width.
scores Extract scores (propensity, prognostic,...) from a fitted model
setMaxProblemSize Set the maximum problem size
show-method Displays a BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix
show-method Displays an InfinitySparseMatrix
sort.BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix Sort the internal structure of an InfinitySparseMatrix.
sort.InfinitySparseMatrix Sort the internal structure of an InfinitySparseMatrix.
strata Identify Stratafication Variables
stratumStructure Return structure of matched sets
stratumStructure.default Return structure of matched sets
stratumStructure.optmatch Return structure of matched sets
subdim Returns the dimension of each valid subproblem
subdim.BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix Returns the dimension of each valid subproblem
subdim.InfinitySparseMatrix Returns the dimension of each valid subproblem
subdim.matrix Returns the dimension of each valid subproblem
subdim.optmatch.dlist Returns the dimension of each valid subproblem
subset.InfinitySparseMatrix Subsetting for InfinitySparseMatrices
summary.BlockedInfinitySparseMatrix Summarize a distance matrix
summary.DenseMatrix Summarize a distance matrix
summary.InfinitySparseMatrix Summarize a distance matrix
summary.ism Summarize a distance matrix
summary.optmatch Optmatch Class

-- U --

unmatched Identification of units placed into matched sets
update.optmatch Performs an update on an 'optmatch' object.

-- misc --

*-method Element-wise addition
+-method Element-wise addition
--method Element-wise addition
/-method Element-wise addition
[-method Subsetting for InfinitySparseMatrices
[<--method Subsetting for InfinitySparseMatrices