recruits_at_time {optistock} | R Documentation |
Calculate the number of recruits left after given time based on mortality
This function will use the provided mortality function and parameters along
with the length of time from stocking until the time in question to determine
how many fish will be left at that time (i.e. how many fish die between
and time_at_rec
mort_fun = exp_mort,
time_at_stocking |
The day that fish are stocked (i.e. synonymous with the amount of time that fish are raised in a hatchery) |
time_at_rec |
The time at which a fish enters the fishery (i.e. the
amount of time it takes a fish to grow to a desired length). Use
fish_init |
The initial number of fish stocked |
mort_fun |
The mortality function, see ?mort_funs |
mort_fun_args |
List. Named arguments to be passed to |
This function calculates how many fish are left at a certain time based on the initial number of fish stocked and the integral of the mortality function. The number of fish left are computed using the following equation:
Nt = N0 exp(∫ f(t))where N0 is the initial number of fish
stocked and f(t) is the mortality function. The amount of time is provided
to the function as the time at which fish are recruited into the fishery
minus the time at which they are stocked. The time at which fish are
recruited into the fishery can be calculated using the inverse von
Bertalanffy growth function (see inv_vb
The number of fish that will be left given the mortality function,
its parameters, and the time (time_at_rec
- time_at_stocking
mort_args <- list(
m_init = (1 / 365),
m_inf = (0.2/365),
alpha = 0.005
recruits_at_time(100, 1000, 1000,
mort_fun = exp_mort,
mort_fun_args = mort_args)