Optimal Scaling

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Documentation for package ‘optiscale’ version 1.2.3

Help Pages

optiscale-package Optimal Scaling of a Data Vector
calc.stress Stress coefficients for 'opscale'
elec92 Public Opinion During the 1992 U.S. Presidential Election
Methods S3 methods for opscale
opscale Optimal scaling of a data vector
optiscale Optimal Scaling of a Data Vector
os.plot Graph of optimal scaling transformation
plot.opscale S3 methods for opscale
print.opscale S3 methods for opscale
print.summary.opscale S3 methods for opscale
shep.plot Shepard diagram for opscale
shepard Shepard diagram for opscale
stress Stress coefficients for 'opscale'
summary.opscale S3 methods for opscale