snewton {optimx} | R Documentation |
Safeguarded Newton methods for function minimization using R functions.
These versions of the safeguarded Newton solve the Newton equations with
the R function solve(). In snewton
a backtracking line search is used,
while in snewtonm
we rely on a Marquardt stabilization.
snewton(par, fn, gr, hess, control = list(trace=0, maxit=500), ...)
snewtm(par, fn, gr, hess, bds, control = list(trace=0, maxit=500))
par |
A numeric vector of starting estimates. |
fn |
A function that returns the value of the objective at the
supplied set of parameters |
gr |
A function that returns the gradient of the objective at the
supplied set of parameters |
hess |
A function to compute the Hessian matrix. This should be provided as a square, symmetric matrix. |
bds |
Result of |
control |
An optional list of control settings. |
... |
Further arguments to be passed to |
is intended to be called from optimr()
Functions fn
must return a numeric value. gr
must return a vector.
must return a matrix.
The control
argument is a list. See the code for snewton.R
for completeness.
Some of the values that may be important for users are:
- trace
Set 0 (default) for no output, > 0 for diagnostic output (larger values imply more output).
- watch
Set TRUE if the routine is to stop for user input (e.g., Enter) after each iteration. Default is FALSE.
- maxit
A limit on the number of iterations (default 500 + 2*n where n is the number of parameters). This is the maximum number of gradient evaluations allowed.
- maxfeval
A limit on the number of function evaluations allowed (default 3000 + 10*n).
- eps
a tolerance used for judging small gradient norm (default = 1e-07). a gradient norm smaller than (1 + abs(fmin))*eps*eps is considered small enough that a local optimum has been found, where fmin is the current estimate of the minimal function value.
- acctol
To adjust the acceptable point tolerance (default 0.0001) in the test ( f <= fmin + gradproj * steplength * acctol ). This test is used to ensure progress is made at each iteration.
- stepdec
Step reduction factor for backtrack line search (default 0.2)
- defstep
Initial stepsize default (default 1)
- reltest
Additive shift for equality test (default 100.0)
The (unconstrained) solver snewtonmu
proved to be slower than the bounded solver
called without bounds, so has been withdrawn.
The snewton
safeguarded Newton uses a simple line search but no linear solution
stabilization and has demonstrated POOR performance and reliability. NOT recommended.
A list with components:
- par
The best set of parameters found.
- value
The value of the objective at the best set of parameters found.
- grad
The value of the gradient at the best set of parameters found. A vector.
- hessian
The value of the Hessian at the best set of parameters found. A matrix.
- counts
A vector of 4 integers giving number of Newton equation solutions, the number of function evaluations, the number of gradient evaluations and the number of hessian evaluations.
- message
A message giving some information on the status of the solution.
Nash, J C (1979, 1990) Compact Numerical Methods for Computers: Linear Algebra and Function Minimisation, Bristol: Adam Hilger. Second Edition, Bristol: Institute of Physics Publications.
See Also
#Rosenbrock banana valley function
f <- function(x){
return(100*(x[2] - x[1]*x[1])^2 + (1-x[1])^2)
gr <- function(x){
return(c(-400*x[1]*(x[2] - x[1]*x[1]) - 2*(1-x[1]), 200*(x[2] - x[1]*x[1])))
h <- function(x) {
a11 <- 2 - 400*x[2] + 1200*x[1]*x[1]; a21 <- -400*x[1]
return(matrix(c(a11, a21, a21, 200), 2, 2))
fg <- function(x){ #function and gradient
val <- f(x)
attr(val,"gradient") <- gr(x)
fgh <- function(x){ #function and gradient
val <- f(x)
attr(val,"gradient") <- gr(x)
attr(val,"hessian") <- h(x)
x0 <- c(-1.2, 1)
sr <- snewton(x0, fn=f, gr=gr, hess=h, control=list(trace=1))
# Call through optimr to get correct calling sequence, esp. with bounds
srm <- optimr(x0, fn=f, gr=gr, hess=h, control=list(trace=1))
# bounds constrained example
lo <- rep((min(x0)-0.1), 2)
up <- rep((max(x0)+0.1), 2)
# Call through optimr to get correct calling sequence, esp. with bounds
srmb <- optimr(x0, fn=f, gr=gr, hess=h, lower=lo, upper=up, control=list(trace=1))
#Example 2: Wood function
wood.f <- function(x){
res <- 100*(x[1]^2-x[2])^2+(1-x[1])^2+90*(x[3]^2-x[4])^2+(1-x[3])^2+
wood.g <- function(x){
g1 <- 400*x[1]^3-400*x[1]*x[2]+2*x[1]-2
g2 <- -200*x[1]^2+220.2*x[2]+19.8*x[4]-40
g3 <- 360*x[3]^3-360*x[3]*x[4]+2*x[3]-2
g4 <- -180*x[3]^2+200.2*x[4]+19.8*x[2]-40
wood.h <- function(x){
h11 <- 1200*x[1]^2-400*x[2]+2; h12 <- -400*x[1]; h13 <- h14 <- 0
h22 <- 220.2; h23 <- 0; h24 <- 19.8
h33 <- 1080*x[3]^2-360*x[4]+2; h34 <- -360*x[3]
h44 <- 200.2
H <- matrix(c(h11,h12,h13,h14,h12,h22,h23,h24,
w0 <- c(-3, -1, -3, -1)
wd <- snewton(w0, fn=wood.f, gr=wood.g, hess=wood.h, control=list(trace=1))
# Call through optimr to get correct calling sequence, esp. with bounds
wdm <- optimr(w0, fn=wood.f, gr=wood.g, hess=wood.h, control=list(trace=1))