Allocate Samples Among Strata

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Documentation for package ‘optimall’ version 1.1.0

Help Pages

allocate_wave Adaptive Multi-Wave Sampling
apply_multiwave Apply a basic optimall function to a Multiwave Object
apply_multiwave-method Apply a basic optimall function to a Multiwave Object
get_data Access Slots of a Multiwave Object
get_data-method Access Slots of a Multiwave Object
get_data<- Access Slots of a Multiwave Object
get_data<--method Access Slots of a Multiwave Object
get_mw Access Slots of a Multiwave Object
get_mw-method Access Slots of a Multiwave Object
MatWgt_Sim Example Dataset: Maternal Weights
merge_samples Merge Sampled Data based on IDs
merge_samples-method Merge Sampled Data based on IDs
merge_strata Merge Strata
Multiwave Multiwave Class for Multi-Wave Sampling Organization
multiwave Initialize a Multiwave Object
Multiwave-class Multiwave Class for Multi-Wave Sampling Organization
multiwave_diagram Print Summary Diagram of Multiwave Object
new_multiwave Initialize a Multiwave Object
optimall_shiny Run the shiny application
optimum_allocation Optimum Allocation
Phase Phase Class for Multi-Wave Sampling Organization
Phase-class Phase Class for Multi-Wave Sampling Organization
sample_strata Select Sampling Units based on Stratified Random Sampling
set_mw<- Write Slots of a Multiwave Object
set_mw<--method Write Slots of a Multiwave Object
shiny_server Server logic for Interactive Shiny for Optimall.
shiny_ui UI for Shiny App for Splitting Strata with Optimum Allocation
split_strata Split Strata
summary-method Method for summary for class Multiwave
Wave Wave Class for Multi-Wave Sampling Organization
Wave-class Wave Class for Multi-Wave Sampling Organization